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Adrenal gland tumour - crazy thought or possible?

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Morning all! So I’m doing ok, managing to cut down on work and get out and exercise. Only a couple of days in so it’s early but hopefully it’ll help.

One thing though, that I came across is phaeochromocytoma. an Adrenal gland tumour (usually non-cancerous). I don’t know if I’m just being crazy or if that could be something to persue.

the symptoms seem to match the skipped beats/adrenaline rush episodes I get quite well:

Attacks can last from a couple of minutes to an hour (that’s the range that I get my episodes for). As well as High heart rate, palpitations, headaches, sweating (I get night sweats every few days), and... can cause anxiety.

there are some in there I don’t get, high blood pressure and sickness. But that’s a lot of things ticked off a list that I usually only tick one or two items.

i guess the only thing against it really is that it says symptoms may get worse as it grows. But my symptoms fluctuate. And if I work on my mindfulness, work/life balance, and meditation etc I do start feeling better.

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2 hours ago, Ruu said:

Morning all! So I’m doing ok, managing to cut down on work and get out and exercise. Only a couple of days in so it’s early but hopefully it’ll help.

One thing though, that I came across is phaeochromocytoma. an Adrenal gland tumour (usually non-cancerous). I don’t know if I’m just being crazy or if that could be something to persue.

the symptoms seem to match the skipped beats/adrenaline rush episodes I get quite well:

Attacks can last from a couple of minutes to an hour (that’s the range that I get my episodes for). As well as High heart rate, palpitations, headaches, sweating (I get night sweats every few days), and... can cause anxiety.

there are some in there I don’t get, high blood pressure and sickness. But that’s a lot of things ticked off a list that I usually only tick one or two items.

i guess the only thing against it really is that it says symptoms may get worse as it grows. But my symptoms fluctuate. And if I work on my mindfulness, work/life balance, and meditation etc I do start feeling better.

Your scaring me... Because I get all those things ..... However, my logical brain tells me it's not likely, that this is what I have. 

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If you put those symptoms into Web MD (and I am NOT suggesting you do that at all!) you would probably find 100 things it could be. Those symptoms are also highly suggestive of anxiety. Almost everyone on here has had skipped beats/palps (everyone actually gets them, we worry about them) and the adrenaline rush is also from worry/anxiety. High heart rate, headaches, just search these boards and you’ll find many many posts about those symptoms. 

How did you happen to come across this disease? Googling? As I said those symptoms are pretty vague so googling is not going to bring you anything but more worry. Try to work on your anxiety for a while (therapy, meds, exercise, meditation, etc) and see if these issues change. 

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5 hours ago, Iugrad91 said:

If you put those symptoms into Web MD (and I am NOT suggesting you do that at all!) you would probably find 100 things it could be. Those symptoms are also highly suggestive of anxiety. Almost everyone on here has had skipped beats/palps (everyone actually gets them, we worry about them) and the adrenaline rush is also from worry/anxiety. High heart rate, headaches, just search these boards and you’ll find many many posts about those symptoms. 

How did you happen to come across this disease? Googling? As I said those symptoms are pretty vague so googling is not going to bring you anything but more worry. Try to work on your anxiety for a while (therapy, meds, exercise, meditation, etc) and see if these issues change. 

You know me/anxiety too well! It’s always Google. I’m not really sure why I google those same symptoms over and over again. Just looking for something that isn’t anxiety probably. thanks!

@anthonycain I need to tel myself that too. It’s apparently incredibly rare so that’s a positive that it’s unlikely. 1 in 100,000 people get it apparently

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