
Scared I have cirrhosis!

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A little background about me: (besides the fact that I'm a HUGE hypochondriac!) I'm 36 and not what I would consider a heavy drinker.  However, back in my early 20s I definitely liked my beer. A lot. 

Anyways, fast forward to now and I maybe have 2 (3 tops) bottles of wine in a month.  Mind you that's technically only like 3 glasses in a bottle.  But I will have one whole bottle over a weekend.  

Ive always been worried in the back of my mind that I am going to get cirrhosis, but the logical side of me says I don't drink nearly enough for that.  I know some actual alcoholics and they are still doing well (liver wise). 

However, I have off and on for several years suffered from upper right quadrant discomfort, and that scares me. (I don't have my gallbladder) My dr has checked my liver enzymes several times and they are always on the low end of normal, no where near elevated.  I also had a liver ultrasound a year ago this past June and it was perfect.  

Could I have developed cirrhosis in just over a years time? 


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Nope. My (half) brothers father passed away from cirrhosis. He was an alcoholic and drank a lot more than you, daily. He also was very sick, there was no question about it. 

Alcohol does my anxiety no favors. You might feel better if you cut back, but I wouldn’t worry about cirrhosis.

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Been there... they say you would have to drink HUGE amounts of alcohol for about 15 to 20 years to have cirrhosis. By the way they found lately that early cirrhosis is reversible by just dealing with the cause. In our case, stop drinking.

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