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I'm broken

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Don't try to convince me otherwise, I'm broken. All I do is tear people apart thanks to my own neuroses. I think part of the reason I'm a hypochondriac is because I secretly want to die and I just want to know how. It's become clear I really have no purpose in this world except to steal oxygen from future doctors and lawyers, people who are going to make something of themselves, while I work sweat and toil at a sociology degree that will give me nothing of worth. I'm almost 25 and I'm still in college, I have no job, the last major accomplishment I had was getting my driver's license at the tender age of 23 and having a one year relationship with a woman who, quite frankly is the only reason I'm still here typing this, though other people my age are starting families, getting careers started. 

I truly believe God put me here on Earth just as a sick joke. He wanted to see what happens if He makes a mistake, and I'm it. 

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Oh you matter, of course you matter.  Do you want to PM me so we can have a chat?

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Abe, you MOST CERTAINLY matter!  Please don't ever think that you don't have a place in this world -- you are young, intelligent, and have so much to offer.  All of us here care about you, as do your family and friends.  You have helped so many of us here on this forum, and we all struggle from our neuroses -- it makes us no less deserving or worthy!  Sending you hugs!!

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Sorry for the lack of updates, I thought for once that things were looking up. Nope, turns out the moment I feel happy, something comes along and ruins it. I'm done trying. I'm not comfortable talking about why in public, but if anyone can PM that'd be super. 

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Simply reading your post revealed a valuable skill to me that you possess.

Your ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings with articulation and grammar.

Thats a skill in itself.  One of many valuable things about you.

Ive been in your shoes trust me.  It gets better....hang in and surround yourself with family and friends.  

You can msg me anytime as well....

This is a late post but it goes to show that you do matter to people.

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