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My husband did not get a new contract for teaching at his school an hour from our home because he's turning 70 and told them NO to coaching 2 sports.  He's a math teacher with a special ed degree as well.   Basketball practice and games were always after 6:30 and he wasn't getting home until almost 10 p.m. and has to leave around 6 a.m. to get to work on time in the traffic.  As of the end of August, we will have only social security AND they denied payment for my MRI/ MRU and CT scans this past month.  

If you are in the U.S.  and have anxiety that has ever been recorded on a doctor's chart, you are one of the millions.

ARE YOU an   #IAmAPreexistingCondition ? 

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If you have Medicare, with a Medicare supplement, would that help things? 

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Under the new bill (which has no chance of passing the Senate as is) I would be a double pre-existing for anxiety and asthma.  Yeah me.

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Hello!  I am being treated for anxiety (health), and this is a pre-existing condition.  I am 69 on Medicate with a supplement, so I am not sure how this will pan out.  Does anyone know with this new health care bill--will it affect Medicare?  So worried about Medicade being cut (I have a brother with mental illness)

Also, IHC, you are inspiring!  We are about the same age, and you look wonderful!  I am new hear, and am trying to navigate my way around here.  



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I'm scared shitless daily about my Medicaid because of the mess going on. 

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