
Strange flu/cold-like symptoms with no fever

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Hello all. First post here; used to frequent AnzietyZone before it mysteriously disappeared. I see that there's a bit of overlap between the two forums. 

For the past three days, I've had some bizarre flu/cold-like symptoms with no fever. Never experienced anything quite like this; mild sore throat, mild congestion, no big deal there. But I feel very fatigued and unwell, having mild chills and body aches, that airy, dizzy feeling that often comes along with a fever, had an upset stomach here and there. Strange facial pressure that feels like sinus pressure, yet, no major congestion. Glands in neck are slightly swollen and sore to the touch. 

This sounds like one big nothing, I know, but the main thing is the fatigue, which is pretty severe; I can barely walk up a few flights of stairs without my heart beating out of my chest, and I'm in pretty good shape, and young to boot (male, 25). This wouldn't seem peculiar, but paired with the chills and general feeling of malaise, I'd think I had a mild flu or something. fever. 


Many of the people at my work have been coming down with various bugs, so I figure I've caught one of those things going around, but I'm also afraid that I might have something like mono or lymes disease (I work with dogs, so it wouldn't be unusual for me to be exposed to ticks). Usually when I feel like this I also have major congestion/coughing/running nose, but this time I don't. 

Anybody else having any weird viruses this season? What gives? I came home early from work yesterday and had to call in sick today. Can't afford too much of that. Should I head to the doctor? 

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I have the EXACT same thing! I jokingly told myself that I would come on here and see if there was anyone else like me.

i actually thought I had a fever this morning upon waking but my temp was normal. My nose is just slightly stuffy, throat very mildly sore but the tiredness is constant. In fact, that was my first symptom and, being the hypo that I am, started fearing the worst. The rest of my cold symptoms are very mild. I too alternate between feeling very warm and being chilled but no fever. I'm also very spacey and that isn't from anxiety.

Can't be of much help but hope this makes you feel better. I had the mono thought too, ha! Try to rest, nuture yourself and hope that it's all a distant memory very soon :)

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I had this a few weeks ago.  No cough, no fever but the fatigue was pretty bad.  I had some throat spray and used it when I first woke up or middle of the night if the discomfort woke me.  I never stay in my pj's or lay around, but I felt so bad for about 4 days that I spent almost all of it in bed.  I had my flu shot so wondered if it were a very mild case of the flu.  

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 How are you feeling today? This virus seems to take forever to go away.I am still very low on energy and had a hard time doing simple chores today. Let us know how you are  getting on :)

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Today I am feeling a little bit better. Actually went for a bike ride. 

Anxiety is such a cruel thing. My actual physical symptoms and the psychosomatic symptoms blend together in a puree of madness. I've been so anxious lately that there's constant pain between my shoulder blades from the muscles being so tight, which in turn causes some of the fatigue and weird feeling in my head on top of the virus I've been fighting. I've also been grinding my teeth so badly at night that I've woken up a few times with a bleeding tongue. Of course, that makes the symptoms worse too.

But I seem to be on the upswing from the virus. This would be day four, but who knows. Everybody around me has had some kind of cold or flu over the last several weeks. Thanks for all your replies, and I hope you feel better Chantsy! I've found taking putting myself in a 12 hour NyQuil coma seemed to speed up the recovery. 

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On March 9, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Panic_Surfer said:

Today I am feeling a little bit better. Actually went for a bike ride. 

Anxiety is such a cruel thing. My actual physical symptoms and the psychosomatic symptoms blend together in a puree of madness. I've been so anxious lately that there's constant pain between my shoulder blades from the muscles being so tight, which in turn causes some of the fatigue and weird feeling in my head on top of the virus I've been fighting. I've also been grinding my teeth so badly at night that I've woken up a few times with a bleeding tongue. Of course, that makes the symptoms worse too.

But I seem to be on the upswing from the virus. This would be day four, but who knows. Everybody around me has had some kind of cold or flu over the last several weeks. Thanks for all your replies, and I hope you feel better Chantsy! I've found taking putting myself in a 12 hour NyQuil coma seemed to speed up the recovery. 

Happy to hear you are on the mend. Funny how anxiety symptoms can blend with cold/flu symptoms. Although, if I'm sick and feeling very tired I almost find it comforting to use being sick as an excuse over, " what's wrong with me??!"

I am doing better too minus two nights of brutally bad sleep due to my six month old being unwell :( This too shall pass though and boy am I looking forward to it.

Stay healthy!

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It's very common to catch a bug from season to season and EXTREMELY common to catch it from co workers. This will pass in a few days if it hasn't already. Plenty of fluids and rest! :)

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