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Freaking Out

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Hi All,

So, I am kind of freaking out right now.  For the last about 3 weeks I have been suffering with some facial pain, ear ache and sinus pain along with some irresular headaches.  As a result, my GP had referred me to have a CT scan done and now I have been called to request me to go back and discuss the results.

Well, as someone with severe anxiety I am freaking out!  I have automatically put myself in the basket of terminal problem and now that its a brain tumour or something despite people around me today telling me, I will be fine.  Now my head is pounding and I can not concentrate!

Do not know what to do, have asked to see if they can see me today as I can guarantee I wont get any sleep tonight!!

Any words of advice, similar experiences etc or something would be much appreciarted.




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It's not unusual for docs to call patients in to discuss results even when the results are clear. That has been the case 98% of the time when people here (and other anxiety forums) have had the same worries. The ones that didn't have clear tests, they still weren't serious. They just had anomalies or benign conditions that they treated and were fine. Don't sweat it. It's not abnormal.

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Anyone that has any test done other than routine blood work it is standard to discuss results with patient face to face.

I had a CT for sinus pain, was no biggie.

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AnxiousBird,  I had cancer 8 years ago and have used the same oncologist for 1 million tests over that time. He ALWAYS makes me come in for my results (even tho they are now posted on the internet a week before he sees me).  

My husband says 'Billable Hours'. 

I'm surprised your GP did a CT scan for sinuses.  Tho I did have a friend who had one and they found a tiny bone spur in one sinus cavity that had snagged a huge clump of dried 'snot'.  They put a little lighted tool in her nose, smoothed the bone spur and Voila! She was all fixed up in minutes. 

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Some time ago I had a blood test. It was looked at by a Locum, not my own doctor. She phoned me with the result which was giving her 'serious concern'. Imagine how I felt!!!! :fp:. I made an appointment with my own doctor and he said, 'It's OK. Your cholesterol is a bit up but that's all'. Now this brings me to one of my pet hates. So called professionals who are so inconsiderate that they unnecessarily put the frighteners on anxiety sufferers. OK, so they want to talk to you, but it's most probably to reassure you. Or even to discuss a minor problem that is easily put right.

In anxiety we 'catastrophize'. You have no doubt heard of this. It's what my wife calls 'awful anticipation'. If you live in the US then Diane is right, 'Billable Hours'. In the UK doctors don't get paid for doing tests and hospitals don't get paid for carrying out procedures. No one makes any profit out of suffering. As no one is making any money out of it there's a more relaxed approach. So, no doubt, a chat with you will cost your insurance, or whatever, money. If you are in the UK then follow ups are still sometimes necessary to give you reassurance. Try, I say try, because I know how difficult it is, to relax.    

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