
Another bad day

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Hi All,

Today I had another huge set back and this time it went into a full panic attack which I did not have in a long time.

This morning woke up feeling a bit uneasy so to keep my mind busy I cleaned house I then noticed when I would stop I felt this vibration feeling going up from the bottom of my leg. It was above my heel and up my leg just a little bit then if I would scratch or rub the top of my foot it would feel like a vibration feeling. This was all on my left foot.

I started to think why is my muscle always sore off and on or my joints. Why and how can anxiety or stress really make you feel so sick or sore? Why is it attacking my muscles, joints and espically my feet? I worried and wondered. So I felt the anxiety getting higher and decided to shower .I couldn't even swallow for a few seconds.

I had to call my anxiety therapist to talk because my heart was pounding so hard and I freaked out thinking something was wrong because the way I been feeling.

Now I have so much pressure lower back by tailbone, muscle cramps by shoulder blade, front bone lower leg hurts, still have that weird vibration feeling when I rub the top of my left foot, ankle hurts and some slight sharp pain on side of foot.

Will all this be caused  from all the stress I been under caring for 5 grandkids, Daughter and her husband also moved in, the kids are so hyped all the time it's so frustrating. Not to mention my own son who is 10. I worry I will get worse. I can't seem to relax my body.

Also I break out with these little bumps like welts and it itches but only last less than 30 minutes and goes away. Stress?

All I want is to feel better like I was a few weeks ago.


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Of course that can all be related to anxiety. My wife breaks out in rashes when she is really worked up about something. I had never seen anything like it before in my life. She gets little bumps all over her chest and her back and then when she calms down they go away. 

As far as the pain in your foot, that sounds like classic sore muscles. The more you thought about it the more it went up your leg and into your back. It did that because you tensed everything up when you got worried. All of your muscles are connected. The same muscle that controls your foot plays a part in moving your knee, moving your entire leg, and even ties into your back. Think about people that have sciatica. It starts in their lower back and can go all the way down their leg into their foot. Why? Because it is all connected. 

I had a really good day today because I read an article on this site that basically said we can't control anything so why bother trying? That really spoke to me. 99% of our symptoms are because we work ourselves up. We tense up or we pace or we run outside or we avoid a current situation? Why? Because we play into our mind tricks. We do things because our mind tells us "if we do this we will feel better." The cold hard truth is if you really seriously did have something horribly wrong it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter if you were in public. Wouldn't matter if you went outside. Wouldn't matter if you felt comfortable. Wouldn't matter if you were having a good day. Wouldn't matter if you called your therapist. You get the point. The things we do to make ourselves feel better is to make our MINDS feel better. We don't focus on our body's because there is NOTHING ACTUALLY WRONG WITH THEM. We play into our minds little bull-crap games and we feed them. 

Stress can beat your ass. We all know it. We all know we feel better when we are happy. I read an article a while back that over 80% of our physical health is mental. I believe it. Even when we really do have a cold, if we sit there and wallow in it we feel worse then if we get out and try to make ourselves better.


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Thanks for your reply BrokenArrow,

It's been lots of up's and downs for me. Many symptoms are very hard to ignore but I just try to accept and deal with it. But to have your feet have feelings of humming or your body is sore in different areas is hard for me. I never had this happen to me in my past until the past year. The anxiety was high for many months non stop.

I wish I can just wake up in the morning and not have one sore muscle or joint, no anxious feelings or nerves miss firing. 

Today I felt to exhausted that I felt shaky. I assume it's cause yesterday I had such a horrible panic attack and I was stressed and worried about it yesterday.

Like I mentioned I have tons of stress going on in my home with my daughter, her husband and 5 kids living with us, my son who is 10 is frustrated and angry with his niece and nephews, my husband is really irritated with the son in law. I am trying to deal with my anxiety feelings, I am forever cleaning and picking up things around my home because the boys all I can say is my home has way to much things going on because at one point I was doing so much better then boom after they moved in the anxiety started up again. My anxiety is more physical feelings and I then actually feel sick. My therapist told me she knew this was going to happen and is not surprised it is back. All I know is my grandson's are so hyped up all the time and always getting into things.... sorry to vent so much...

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You have a lot of stress and chaos it sounds like.. can you get away to yourself for a few min each day just to do some breathing and relaxation exercises, help clear your mind and calm your soul? Im sorry your having these set backs but I bet if you give yourself some quiet time away from the chaos, it will help you alot. 

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