
Afraid of sleeping???

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Hello everyone!

I always had a good night sleep, i never had any problems , but now when the night falls i am kind off scared off sleeping... It's been already my  eleventh night when I have trouble falling asleep. Now for the part where I get scared off sleeping- in nights I wake up breathless, my head hurts and my body feels numb..It almost feel like paralysis- With time this feeling goes away, but i can't fall asleep, and I stay up till morning... Because of this , I have harder time studying, i have lost alot off weight, and it's very hard to control my emotions!!!

No one in my family understands this, they think that it's just a teenage year period  and that it will stop with time.. 

How do  others get trough it?? 

I would really appreciate your oppinion, and advices for better night sleep!!!


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Ive been there. I usually am too afraid to sleep if I'm home alone, even for a nap, because I'm scared of waking up feeling terrible like that. If I'm really anxious and just need to sleep I take xanax or valium. It helps get to sleep. Wont keep you asleep like a sleeping tablet but at least can help you not to wake up with panic symptoms. Valerian tea can also help relax you before bed. It sucks though to feel that way :(  It may just stop over time, but for now i'd recommend getting into a relaxing routine before bed, maybe reading a book, a warm bath, hot milk, whatever works for you. Ask your doc about the meds if you feel like the panic is too much. Good luck! I totally understand xx

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There was a period of time is thought I was going to die in my sleep. Even though everyday I would wake up the fear was sure hard to shake.

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