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I feel like I'm going crazy

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I'm terrified that I'm going crazy.. When I lay down at night and I close my eyes.. The weirdest things pop in my head almost like I'm hearing voices. One was just telling me to scream. Last night one was saying something and I was nodding my head without realizing it. I was chalking it up to just being tired but it's really freaking me out. I've been under a massive amount of stress.. I found out my husband was cheating on me two months ago, he wants a divorce and I had to move back in with my mom. He also got a permanent restraining order against me and is dating the married woman he cheated on me with. I have a lot of anxiety. Mostly general.. Dizziness, shaking, impending doom, etc. but I also have health anxiety. With everything going on, my mind has been too busy for health anxiety and it's been just basic panicking. But the past few days I've been really scared that I'm actually going insane. What other explanation is there for the things going on in my head? I'm also irritable and I feel like freaking out a lot. 

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It sounds like stress :( Anxiety can make us feel like we are almost 2 different people. One is irrational and unwell, the other is logical. Don't worry about "voices" it's probably just your own anxiety talking. I'm so sorry to hear about your marriage :( My husband left me a couple of years ago and I suspect he was cheating (because he moved straight in with this woman!). At first I was struggling, my anxiety ramped up, and depression. But eventually I got past it. I realised that I was better off, and now i'm much happier. You need to take time for yourself, work on getting yourself feeling good. Think about positive changes, like maybe starting yoga or meditation, or going for walks. Or do some drawing or painting. Or learn to cook a new type of food and indulge in that. Don't let your husband make you feel worse any longer. Focus on you, and eventually you'll be better than ever. Message me if you ever need to talk xx

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I agree with JJ.. focus on yourself and getting healthy. Take time to do nice things for yourself. Im sorry to hear about your marriage. I too went through a divorce and found out he was cheating also. I went into anxiety and panic for a bit and then some depression but have since learned that i too was better off, God had a diff plan for me and i am much happier now! I know sometimes its hard to see the forest because of the trees but i promise there is a light  in the midst of this darkness you feel. Hang in there, we are here for you!!


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Hiya, you are in the best place if you want to recover from anxiety.  Great, caring people, great atmosphere, a proper little haven.  You have a tired, depleted mind.  Replenish it by reading though all of the help pages and articles.  They are worth their weight in gold i can tell you. :)

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