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A couple of years ago I was diagnosed as clinically depressed, and at the time my doctor constantly suggested that I go to therapy rather than going on pills. But I like my pills. They help so much, but every time I go in for an appointment he really tries to his damnedest to get me into therapy. In theory, I don't have a problem with seeing a therapist. It would probably help me greatly. But the idea of going into a room and just talking to someone about whatever it is that's bothering me, is really off-putting. I really don't like talking about my problems, especially to strangers. I know they're qualified and all that, but it freaks me out letting someone know my secrets and concerns. Have any of you had a problem with this?

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Therapy and meds are the standard protocol, meds don't often work without therapy but that doesn't mean you have to see a professional. Therapy can come in many forms, and its all personal what works for you. A lot of people need both and a lot of people find they don't need meds and therapy is enough alone. If you are doing well without therapy then you don't have to see someone, its up to you and tell your doctor so, but if you think you are just being put off because you don't want to talk to a stranger maybe reconsider or think about it a little more. I know for me personally therapy was liberating, validating, and it helped me a lot.

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It is hard to share yourself with a stranger, but it could help you. If you feel you are functioning well without it though, that is your decision to make. I've been in therapy several times over the years, and if you can overcome the hesitancy, it can be a very freeing experience. It is a relief to share the stuff clogging your head with someone who won't judge you for it.

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I love going to therapy. The key is to find someone you like and connect with. My therapist is a woman, not snobby, doesnt rush me out and for me it feels good to talk to someone whom I know that I can trust completely and wont judge me.

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You will need therapy if you want to overcome the problems you face and eventually come off the drugs, because drugs are not good for us in the long term, and we can easily develop a tolerance to the drug which can lead to addiction. Drugs mask the problem, to deal with the problem you need therapy.

I understand how you feel about speaking to a stranger, I felt exactly the same, why would I want to talk to a stranger? The benefits of talking to a stranger is that they don't know you, they will not judge you for it, and unlike your friends or family, they can offer advice to help you overcome the problem.

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I also think that medication will not work without therapy, but it really needs to be the right kind of therapy. I wasted years with a number of therapists with whom sessions just felt like mental masturbation, really. Therapists can only work with the information you give them about how you think and feel, and for someone like me, that can be rather problematic, since I cannot think or articulate clearly when I start addressing emotional issues, which becomes very frusterating. I've lost a lot of time with therapists trying to correct the idea they put together of my problems. I've been put on the wrong kind of medication because a therapist/psychiatrist team found it easier to lump me in with a common depressive diagnosis then actually decipher what I was actually trying to express about my issues (I actually have something closer to an atypcial depressive combo issue going on).

I still think getting the right therapy is important, because the best way to deal with a depression problem is to get proper perspective outside of it, and that takes another person. But, ideally, it takes a person who not only knows how to deal with depressive disorders, but also someone who is really able to understand you, even when you don't. So far, I've only known one person who could do this, and actually help me rationalize my issues, and he's not even a therapist! Go figure.

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I know that the first time I went to therapy I felt the same as you. I felt like "how can I tell someone who I don't even know all of the things that I can't even bring myself to tell my family?" It almost made me feel as if I was more of a failure than I had felt like before. But once I went, I realized that it was the catalyst to help me to be able to communicate better with my family. Since they do this for a living they can not only give you a lot of tools to help with whatever you are going through, but they also give you the insight to help you deal with it at some point without them. That is what it did for me. It gave me the knowledge to be able to utilize my family and friends around me and ask them for what I need.

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I have seen two counsellors in my life and one psychiatrist. The two counsellors were bad experiences and not worthwhile. Both of the women did not seem interested in my problems and were quite condescending, it was like I was talking to someone who is just following a template rather than a human being.

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That's completely normal. When I first saw a therapist, I was extremely self conscious. It was hard enough thinking about my problems, much less talking about them. However, I found that it was actually really helpful even though it was difficult at first. I hated how I felt and who I was, so letting anyone know about it was like admitting that I'd done something horrible. But she was incredibly understanding and she really made me feel comfortable with opening up to her.

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I went to therapy for a bit and I absolutely couldn't stand it. It's probably because of the bad vibe I got from the therapist though. I completely opened up and everything, listened to everything they said etc. but it just wasn't helping me at all so I stopped going.

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