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Hi I've been a drug addict since i was in 9th grade. i had taken drugs before then but that's when i started taking opiates on a daily basis. I didn't have my first panic attack until 2 years ago when i was 19 I was taking opiates  as usual mostly oxycontin and roxi's but i was also doing a lot of cocaine and xanax at that time and i feel like it first happened when i stopped taking xanax after a couple weeks straight of taking about 10mg a day. then after the first i started getting them more often and they got worse. then about a year later for the first time i got into a suboxone program and tried to stop taking opiates thats when i really feel like i lost it i panicked constantly and became agoraphobic. i finally got completely clean about 4 months ago. I've been agoraphobic for a little over a year and haven't left my house once since april. but I now have a psychologist and a therapist  who come to my house 3 times a week and ive been making slow progress but it's rough.

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Hi Brad. Coming off drugs is never going to be easy. But what you have achieved is great. It takes a lot of courage and determination to come off. The counselling will help but agoraphobia is rough. It will take time but it is possible to defeat it if you take it slowly. One step at a time. You will eventually go out because you can recover from agoraphobia; many have and if you look up agoraphobia on the site you will find a lot of useful information. Keep going with the counselling; in my view there is no real substitute for that kind of therapy. To have someone to talk to is so important. Hope you begin to feel better and let us know your progress.    Jon.

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wow, that was a brave thing to do. I salute you for coming down here and share your story :) congratulations on being clean, i hope you keep it up and stay away to drugs for good. I can somehow connect with you, the only difference is, my mum is the addict instead of me. But let me tell you this, it's hard to see your love ones killing herself a little by little (not literary killing, if you know what i mean). How i envy you for being clean and have a strength enough to put yourself up again. How i wish my mum can lift herself up like what you did. like i said, i envy you men :)  i can show this to my mum and try to encourage it more to be clean. To tell you the truth, i been giving up many times try to save her life. I buried and lock my self to my room just to research some different method on how to help her quit her addiction. I'm trying to search some decent rehab center. I came to many reads, scans etc. vast of numerous info crashing to me, now i am loss and don't know what to do or what step will i do next. There are so many in my list now, and honestly i don't know what to pick, and there this Alcohol Abuse Rehab Vancouver that i am onto now, but giving it doubt cause it's too far from our place. I envy you man :) promise us to stay clean, not only for yourself but for your love ones too who cares you so much. You men, is a inspiration for anyone who are dealing with addiction problem who wants to quit. And i am so happy that i join a community with this such rank, not only to support people, but to re-sure them that no matter what happen, they will be here for you and will hold you back to not lose hope.


ugh, sorry for being melodramatic here, i just moved to your story,  and just remember my mum.

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Hi brad. What a wonderful post above from a caring and understanding person, also an active one who is doing the best they can to help. If only others were so caring and understanding. If only! I agree, you certainly have courage.  Stick with it. You have made the first great move and you realise it will be a hard slog, but you HAVE the courage so keep at it.       Jon.

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Hey not sure if  your still about brad or how ya got on i quit the drugs myself  a few years back when i got ill so i know what your going to have to go through and i feel for ya because it is hell but there is light at the end of the tunnel just see it through because life drug free is so much better you start to wonder why you even took them in the first place i wouldn't change any of the memories i have from my youth but if i could go back and re-do without the drugs i defiantly would but your doing a good thing mate takes a big man to admit his mistakes takes an even bigger man to put them right.


Keep fighting the good fight fella.

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