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Hey everyone I'm new to ths so haven't a clue what I'm doing but like many I suffer from.anxiety. Everything went down hill when I give birth to my second child anxiety got worse and lead me into derralization and because I obsess about it so much my anxiety gets worse I really wanna get back to the old me I stil. Go out do things cook clean look after kids ect.. But can't seem to shake of this unreal feeling I no I am my own cure I try to hard to carry on but as u no its hard when u have ths symptom. If anyone could offer e advice I would be entirely grateful thanis btw I'm 24

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Hoya, in the same derealisation sucks butt, i get it lots main thing is dont b frightened it is really just your brains way of shutting off and protecting you saying oi iv had enough if that makes sense, the less u focus on it the less it will seem daunting when i first got it it drove me nuts scuse the pun... I have it daily so ur not alone here if u need me x

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I havr it from the minute I wake uo till I go asleep even lights bother me.. but I do feel I'm I'm 50% better than when I first got it I thought I was going crazy so scary at first I'm not letting it stop me from enjoying life but I would consider a medication to help me even tho I have even thinking about medication how long have you suffered and how have u coped x

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Same ere, from the minute i wake up its like in in a tired dream bubble lol.. 3 years now... I used to be in the Drs every day now in not lol in scared of meds

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So does your come and go like give you a break Here and there I admire u ur so strong fighting this that long

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Thank u Hun, in nothing special i have no choice lol. .. Some days i feel alot more normal and with it if that makes sense, today is a real bad day its like my eyesight is over focused and everything looks odd of that make sense lol... How do u manage x

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When I wake up there's I'm fine but them.boom it hits me I cqn get so bad where I feel like I haven't slept for days conversions I had five minutes ago feel like hours ago the day can be so long lights mess with my head my eyesight goes all weird and I can't focus I hope some day we beat this but I do so meditation as I.have racing thoughts I can't stop day dreaming

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Snap that sounds like me writing this i am finding alot of comfort in what your saying its the sa.e but i have always found it so hard to describe as its such an odd feeling...

i can never turn my brain off its when i sit down to do nothing in worse when in working its tough but bot as bad as in occupied lol... Thank u so much hun

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No thank you for giving me comfort it seems to attach its self to young people ill pray for u also ill do a novena have faith we will fight ths have u been to a doctor or councillor x

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I have been to dr and counsellor. My Dr just wants me to try pills but side effects get so bad

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I'm going to mine tomorrow I'm thinking of trying something see. How I get on I need to overcome this for my kids do u no a ssri that's helped anyone ssorry. For all the questions

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Don't be sorry... Each tablet is dof for each individual i do know that sertraline is used but ur Dr will know what is best for you... Ur a strong lass ur kids sure must adnire u. Let me know how u get on xx

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Hooray for DP!  It's so annoying but don't worry. It does pass and the lower your overall anxiety goes the less frequent the little spells will be :) 

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