
Why do I do this !!!

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So today I was scrolling through Facebook having a great day.... Hadn't checked my heart rate or anything all day !! Well then I seen a post from one of my friends where her friend had been found dead from a blood clot going to the heart at 32 !!! Now I have found myself worrying over that and wanting to google blood clots !!!! I hate this !!!

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Hi Just me,


  It sounds like you really need to stay away from anything health related right now. Just delete the post or ignore the article whatever it is. You are going to run yourself ragged worrying about each thing you read or see. I have been to every specialist from nose to toes because I was just like you. I was terrified that I had everything that I read about or each article that I saw, even watching the news, if they mention something about a new health story I would freak out over it if it was anything negative.


 It really is just your anxiety and your anxiety is focused totally on your health. I spent countless numbers of days missing work and numerous amounts of money for Dr. visits, I even went so far as to suffer through 8 weeks of blood testing  to check my hormone levels only to come to the realization that it really is just my anxiety messing with me. If you look up the symptoms for anxiety/panic you will likely find that your symptoms match the list.


Hope this helps at least a little. :)

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Sad for that 32 yr old, but for that one 32yr old who it happened to, there are thousands and thousands of other 32 yr olds it doesn't happen to!!

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Dont think to much about it. Your not the one in the situation, your okay and fine. Remember that if you think to much about it nothings good will happen to you. Browse things like watching movies and listen to music that would make you relax. 

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Just me,,,, statistics say if it just happened to your friend, no way will it happen to you. You're in the clear !  

It's like going to vacation in a spot that was hit by a hurricane a week ago means you are GOOD ! 

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