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On a positive note.

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Hi guys I have been reading through posts and commenting on some, so I thought I'd write a post myself. I want start by saying HA is a b#@ch! It can consume us, it can make us fear everything, it can hold us captive in our own thoughts and cause the most strangest scariest physical symptoms. I knew I had HA for years but it wasn't until I found this forum that I was able to accept I had it. My last 12 months have been hell. I had un-explainable symptoms (achy painful legs, weight loss, ibs, tired stiff muscles, tight chest, weird tongue sensations and a few others, now I'm losing hair) I had believed I had the most rarest scariest illnesses, I had many sleepless nights, checking on my body at un-godly hours. I lived in silent fear that I would die from these horrible diseases. It took a lot to change my thought pattern, I had learnt twice in the past cbt (cognitive behavioral therapy) this has been my life saviour. It took time but eventually I learnt to rationalise my thoughts and with this I was able to slowly start living bit by bit again. I seen a rheumatologist that could not find anything physically wrong with me however he put me on blood pressure meds for circulation. Yes my anxiety and stress caused my muscles all over to become so extremely tight that my circulation became really poor. Once the meds kicked in my muscle tightness eased up I was able to go off the meds. I am now back to going to the gym and playing netball, so I now maintain my own circulation. So I suppose what I am trying to say is until we accept and confront our fears then HA will consume us. If the docs say your ok and all tests and scans come back fine then you more then likely are ok. Besides cbt I found exercising, eating healthier and getting plenty of sleep really helped and also trying to stay social helped. I urge all of you to try these things if your not already. You will all be ok! I believe it's a mind of matter illness. Sorry for rambling. I hope this helps a lil with knowing there are lights at the end of the tunnel.

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I should of stated that I still have HA flare ups but the intensity of them are less and less, I find that distracting myself and ignoring the symptoms makes the flare up easier to let go of. We are all different so we all have different ways to deal with things. I refuse to go on meds for my anxiety and I refuse to give into the anxiety. I know I'll be ok.

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So happy for you nyc, you rock! Very proud of you too :) 

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awesome work and great to hear a success story!! thanks for sharing :D

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When I say weird tongue sensation, it's a very mild achy feeling. I find I get it when I am anxious or when I have reflux. For example I ate a hot cross bun today and within an hr I had heaviness in my chest and just a general weird feeling so I just pushed through it at work (heart attack did cross my mind) however I was able to keep going and when I got home my tongue was feeling weird so I took a zantac (reflux med) and then went to a boxing class. I am now feeling a tad anxious but I know it's purely from the all the weird sensations the reflux is causing.

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Hummm. My damn tongue and mouth taste like vapor rub. I wonder if it could be reflux. Mine is all day long

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If you suffer from a fair bit of heartburn then you may have reflux, do you suffer from these?. Anxiety also makes my tongue feel weird so if you have constant anxiety then your tongue could feel/taste weird. Poor circulation can cause cold hands/feet, tight constricted muscles, pins and needles. My poor circulation caused all of the above but the worst symptoms is when both my legs ache. I find that when I get really stressed and anxious my calf muscles and thighs tighten up. Since I have started exercising regularly my circulation has picked right up and I feel a lot better. My hairloss though still causing me most anxiety.

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