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Degenerative "something" worry...

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Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I've had a HA flare up and I'm bummed to be back here, putting my fears into words. My issue started maybe 3 weeks ago when I felt a slight twitch in my left hand. It didn't last long, just a typical muscle twitch. It kind of lodged in my head, but I let it go. I self talked my way out of the worry. It happened again last Sunday, but this time it's stuck. I'm now worried I'm suffering from some sort of fatal, degenerative disease. The twitching has actually been not that big of a deal this time around. I'm now obsessed that there is evidence of my body breaking down and wasting away, specifically in my left arm. I'm worried that it's not as big as my right arm (which it might not be - I'm not all that muscular to begin with and I'm right handed). In fact, I've long noticed that my right hand was bigger than my left. I'm also obsessing about weakness, like if I lift something with my left arm it feels heavier and achier and stuff like that. Also, there is a strange, very slight pain in my left side - like my arm muscles are wasting away and dying. If I had not had the left hand twitch to trigger something, I feel like I would not be worried about anything else right now, as in it feels like the other "symptoms" came after the initial trigger. On one hand, I can tell myself that nothing is wrong - I'm making all of this up, but then I can't completely shake it, either - constantly thinking about it, testing it, etc.

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Are the symptoms increasing with stress?

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I think so. I'll tell you, the first twitch came watching Succession - which is a tense, stressful show. The twitch on Sunday? Again, watching Succession. The twitches led to everything else. Again, I don't think I'd be thinking about weakness or anything without the twitch. Also, if my mind is distracted - I'm not feeling anything. I moved couches yesterday and didn't have any issues - there wasn't any actual weakness. It felt normal. 

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Then, it is triggered by a stressor.  That is something you need to monitor.

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