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Lumpy bottom lip and glands in cheek

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Movable lumps in inner bottom lip

I developed a canker sore  two weeks ago which has caused me to investigate my mouth and find a list of things to worry about. The sore no longer hurts, but I can still faintly see it.
I also gave discovered loads of movable lumps inside my bottom lip, I don't know if they are glands, or if the canker sore is the dreaded C word and has now spread throughout my lower lip.
Throughout this i also discovered two glands one on each side of my inner cheek near my molar. I went to a dentist and he referred me to an oral surgeon, even though he said they looked okay and he wasn't concerned.
My boyfriend has all these things in his mouth too (I've looked), but I feel like mine are bigger.

I'm 29 and a non smoker, but I'm still terrified of oral cancer. 😞

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@cutecat25 I am not sure a canker sore would cause cancer.  If it is going away, then there definitely isn't a problem.  

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