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Unreal feelings back after many years, terrified and disheartened

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Hi everyone.
To cut a long story short, I have been through a traumatic time recently. I had to make the most difficult decision of my life as a result of my anxiety (sensitive topic so won't mention it here), and weeks after this decision was made I had a panic attack that let to feelings of derealisation/depersonalisation. This was 3 weeks ago, and despite meditating, exercising, taking herbs/supplements, increasing healthy fats into my diet such as walnuts, flaxseed and avacado, going about my day in as normal way as possible, the feelings are still there. I keep having thoughts that the world isn't real, that everything I knew/had a connection with is a figment of my imagination. I feel at any moment I will go insane. 
I used to deal with this constantly many years ago. For the past 6 years its been a symptoms that has come and gone, but not impacted my life very much, so to have it back 24/7 makes me feel hopeless, as if i'm back to the beginning of my anxiety journey again, and that maybe this time it's permanent. 
Has anyone else felt with way for weeks/months at a time? And did it eventually pass?
Thanks in advance!

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7 hours ago, cutecat25 said:

Hi everyone.
To cut a long story short, I have been through a traumatic time recently. I had to make the most difficult decision of my life as a result of my anxiety (sensitive topic so won't mention it here), and weeks after this decision was made I had a panic attack that let to feelings of derealisation/depersonalisation. This was 3 weeks ago, and despite meditating, exercising, taking herbs/supplements, increasing healthy fats into my diet such as walnuts, flaxseed and avacado, going about my day in as normal way as possible, the feelings are still there. I keep having thoughts that the world isn't real, that everything I knew/had a connection with is a figment of my imagination. I feel at any moment I will go insane. 
I used to deal with this constantly many years ago. For the past 6 years its been a symptoms that has come and gone, but not impacted my life very much, so to have it back 24/7 makes me feel hopeless, as if i'm back to the beginning of my anxiety journey again, and that maybe this time it's permanent. 
Has anyone else felt with way for weeks/months at a time? And did it eventually pass?
Thanks in advance!


Yes - I had PTSD from a trauatic event myself that last for months until I had to pull myself out of the situation and go to counseling.  I sought medical intervention through a psychiatrist.  I am still on the meds from underlying Social Anxiety Disorder, but the PTSD and derealization are not appearing.  It took a lot of thought work.  It will pass, but it takes a change in thinking which is not so easy to do.  You have to really assess the situation about what happened and sort through things like "what if it happens again?  What do I do if the old thoughts come back?  What do I need to do in the short-term to ease the symptoms?"

I was on an antipsychotic for about three months, just to get me to sleep because I would be awak all night worrying.  That slowly improved to where I didn't need it anymore.

The biggest question is - what things can I control and what things I cannot.  If you can't control it, you have to let it go.  

How you think determines how you feel.

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I have been through a number of traumatic situations in my life. My mother, father and uncle all passed away in a years time. I was held up at gunpoint and was told if I moved I was dead. The gun was held at my temple. I have been through 2 head on collisions.  In one of them I had a near death experience where my whole life passed before my eyes before the 50 mph impact. My friend got murdered a longtime ago and he was only married a year and had a nine month old child. His wife was never the same. 

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