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Back Problem now With Muscle Twitching

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So I have had chronic lower back problems. This past weekend I hurt my back worse than I ever have and have been off work most of the week. It's believed to be a lumbar disc issue.

Before this happened (about a week prior) I noticed when lying in bed I would have the occasional twitch in random spots. Sometimes it was a finger, sometimes my hand, sometimes my foot, etc. I've noticed this happening with more frequency since my injury, but nothing online says they are connected. I did read that some ALS patients present with lower back pain as an initial symptom, so now I'm super worried. This morning, I woke up at 5 and as I tried to fall asleep, I kept getting what felt like hypotonic twitches. One on my ride side (right pectoral and shoulder and once on my left). Now I'm super anxious about what is going on.

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You hurt your back this weekend. Any muscle twitching, spasms or pain is due to that. It's already stated your doctors think you have a disc issue (which sounds like it can be painful); let them know you might of re-injured (via their nurse line) as they might have some restrictions for you until it's healed a bit. ALS isn't flared by a disc issue or injury. 

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Thanks. I didn't think there would be a connection between the two. Especially since some of the muscles affected are way above the lumbar region.

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My clients brother in law passed away at 73 of ALS. My former boss and now friends wife passed away at age 62 of ALS in December 2020. Both of their initial symptoms were slurred speech. I had thought originally that her first symptom was something else, but he confirmed her initial symptom the other day when he was talking about it. 

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Just checking back. The disc is improving. Still uncomfortable, but able to walk and do basic things without excruciating pain. Getting more tiny twitches in both feet and thighs. Feel it mostly when lying down or sitting. I'm hoping it's still related to the back injury.

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Not ALS. Sounds like related to back injury or stress related. I myself have been having some finger twitching and it can be annoying. 

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So today and a few days ago,  my hand locked up in a cramp when grabbing something. It quickly released , but it freaked me out. I also noticed my feet cramp easily when curled in the right way. Most likely vitamin deficiency, but it worries me still. Can that be ALS?

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As I have said in other posts, my friends wife passed away of ALS at 62 in December 2020 and my clients brother in law passed away of ALS at age 73. Both of their initial symptoms were slurred speech. Eventually they had trouble walking, etc. They had no twitching at all. 

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can someone offer some encouragement? 

Since when do patients with als present with lower back pain as initial symptom???!

ive had back for a year, twitching for 18 months and a clean EMG 8 months ago. 

im freaking out. Absolutely freaking out. 

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Thought I would update this. I was officially diagnosed with a herniated disc at L5/S1. I'm making progress. Walking is 95% pain free, sitting is a bit better, getting up from sitting, etc. I can still trigger pain with certain movements. But hopefully I make a a full recovery.

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I am happy to hear you are feeling better. 

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