
Question about body temperature

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I’m curious if this happens to anyone else when they’re anxious, but every time that I go to take my temperate, my heart heart goes from day around 86 bpm to 140 bpm and my temp shows around 99.0 to 99.4. With everything going on in the world, I have this new anxiety about my temperature. I instantly get covered in a dreadful feeling like my head hurts, I feel like my legs are rubbery and hot. 

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Hi Worrier...  To begin with, that perfect number of 98.6 is nothing more than the "average" temperature of the human race.  Just like our blood pressure and pulse will vary throughout the day, so will our temp.  Temperatures are usually the lowest in the morning, when you wake up.  This is because our metabolism is low upon waking.  In the afternoon, 99.0 to 99.4 is a very normal temp.  Those of us with anxiety, which includes me, have our triggers, and when those are set-off, things happen, such as out heart rate going up.  Unless you are sick, there is no reason to be taking your temperature.  I am saying this because just this morning, I put my thermometer away in the bathroom, and will do my best not to take it out unless I am really sick.  The very best to you, Worrier...  Chuck 

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If I take my temperature very early in the morning it can be as low as 96.6. I usually have a lower temperature. My physician told me that your temperature is usually lower in the morning and higher in the afternoon. He said a fever is typically 100.4 or higher. He also said fluid and food intake, outside temperature, stress, etc., can all influence it. 

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