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Can burning skin be a symptom of MS

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I have had burning skin of and on for years. Of course I fear having MS.  I have had MRI's and other tests and all are neg. I also take meds which don't really help. Please help me out here so worried about this. I swear I have been diagnosed wrong. ☹️

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If you have had it for years then no, you don’t have MS. Anxiety can also cause this. I know you have a hard time accepting it’s anxiety but your tests have all been negative and you say you’ve had many of your symptoms for years. That all screams anxiety. 

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Thanks for replying!!!!  Just trying to see if others have ever had this symptom. I got so freaked out when I read this. I have other symptoms also which can last forever and 24/7.

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Yeah. Anxiety. I have been having skin symptoms for around 3 years now. mRI is clean. My doctors both neuro and GP tell me it's anxiety and I pray it is

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This is one symptom that really bothers me..... so annoying. Last usually all day for me. 

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