
Here I am again....terrified of cancer

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I'm 26 now, I have always had anxiety about many things. I'm so scared of dying and not knowing where I'm going that I'm constantly in a freak out about something. Lately past week or so its been breast cancer. I came here to see if someone could help and found that I'd posted about this fear before about a month ago. Something must of made it go away now I'm just wondering if anyone can help me this week has been miserable I am constantly having panic attacks, left work over it and my family is going nuts. Sometime in 2017 I read an article about checking for dimples and what not saying they were a sign of breast cancer, I immediately freaked and begged my wife to take me to urgent care that night. She refused as she was fed up but eventually gave in the next day or so. To be clear we have no history of cancer in our family. We finally went and the woman examined me I distinctly remember because she was pregnant ( my anxiety convinces me things didnt happen sometimes) it wasnt a dimple I had found but a slight dent under my left boob and ONLY when I flex. She felt around and did an examine but didnt  find anything of concern told me breast are naturally lumpy and mine were larger so it was nothing out of the ordinary. Now I'm here and I've had check ups since multiple doctor visits with blood tests, chest xrays, ct scans, cdcs everythings all come back normal. I had wondered would this be the case with breast cancer wouldnt something small have shown up if this disease was in me? It's been driving me crazy I've had this for nearly 2 years and I rarely think of it. Because usually its melanoma or skin or heart disease or something new. I'm just afraid that now that I'm 26 I dont have much longer on this earth. Please I'm begging someone to help me, tell something that can help with this anxiety because 9 times out of 10 I'm sure that's what it is. 

Please help, 


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The news seems to make it seem like women in their 20s 30s and 40s are dropping like flies from breast cancer.  Its a lie.  The median age is 68.  I'm NOT saying its impossible; its just not something that should be concerning you like this.

You're more likely to die of a drug overdose or car crash than from this.

Anxiety of course knows no reason though.  

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Agree with Andrew, plus you react to your anxiety and one-off stories you happen to come across. This as compared to a doctor who examined you, with all of her medical acumen, saying your breasts are normal. Add in all those (unnecessary?) tests. Respectfully, you shouldn't have any fear of BC. The odds are like 0.00001%. Have you thought about trying to treat your anxiety?

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Thank you both. I do want to start treating my anxiety and diabetes things I know I have. I do still just get upset at the what if factor. 

Granted my tests were for other things but I find it hard to believe that something wouldnt be off with this growing inside me. Like my white blood cells or my chest xrays or something. Even other symptoms like swollen lymph nodes or something else concerning after 2 years seems like something else would come up. In my heart I can feel it's probably nothing but anxiety is continuing to ruin my life and I really don't know what I can do to save myself. 

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Sadly, the "cure" for HA is to accept the fact that there is uncertainty in life, and we need to accept that concept, and nonetheless move on. So you notice a symptom or have a fearful thought, and realize that there are many non-serious things this could be, far exceeding the chance for a sinister issue. You logically analyze that and accept the minimal uncertainty. Obviously, this is way easier said than done, but it's the only way to properly deal with our obtrusive health related thoughts. 

"Normal" people know when a symptom or sign warrants a doctor visit. They are comfortable waiting 2-3 weeks to see if the problem clears on its own. They know and react promptly when it is obvious to them that something serious is imminent, like the crushing pain of a heart attack for example.

Is there a chance this attitude could allow a dangerous ailment to go undetected for a while? Yes, but is that slight risk worth the non-stop gut wrenching agony we feel when we assume the worst and do what we do?

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