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What is going on...panic and very scared

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I am here today as I don't know what is happening to me.  The other day I had a bad tummy and really painful cramps. It eventually went off after a couple of days with visits to the toilet. I am still not right! I am now left with what seems to be an overwhelming sense of fear. I am having a nervous belly all day everyday, wake up with it feels like when you are going to an interview or a docs appointment and you get  scared. It is like butterflies all day long and I am worried so much that this is a stomach disease or something or is this anxiety? Please help me if you can.

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A connection between brain and gut has been scientifically proven. Anxiety/worry can certainly affect your gut. Check out the 100 symptoms of anxiety and many are digestive system related. I personally have experienced gas, bloating, loose stools, constipation, reflux, nervous stomach, nausea, and more from anxiety.

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3 hours ago, Sallyhart said:


I am here today as I don't know what is happening to me.  The other day I had a bad tummy and really painful cramps. It eventually went off after a couple of days with visits to the toilet. I am still not right! I am now left with what seems to be an overwhelming sense of fear. I am having a nervous belly all day everyday, wake up with it feels like when you are going to an interview or a docs appointment and you get  scared. It is like butterflies all day long and I am worried so much that this is a stomach disease or something or is this anxiety? Please help me if you can.


Im not much help but Im going thru that exact same thing only adding that i also get lightheaded and a weird chest feeling. Ive thought about it being ibs, heart problem and even parasites Xp but anxiety is also a possibility. 

I hope you start feeling better and at least know you are not alone. 



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Thank you for your replies, no no chest sensations just feel a little crampy like I need to go and that nervous feeling. It is horrible when you don't know where it came from. Just out of the blue really.

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