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Hernia fears again

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Update: I got home from church feeling like I had to go, only two or three small pebbles , one of which I almost had to coax out. I'm getting concerned again but I have a question: I only ate one sandwich today as I'm not feeling hungry, could that have something to do with my lack of activity so to speak? I need some grounding as I'm starting to poke and prod again

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Not feeling hungry could well be due to the constipation. It's natural to not feel hungry when internally you're pretty full.   Take some psyllium for a few days and get things moving in your favor. 


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Could making myself eat help get things moving? I've never heard of what you mentioned 

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It’s a kind of fiber. Eating the right foods can help, like high fiber fruits and vegetables. Eating meat, dairy and bread won’t help constipation much. Drinking lots of water also helps keep things moving.

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Try prune juice. I sometimes get constipated from worrying about my bowels oddly enough lol..I try to drink about 6oz of prune juice every other night just to help keep me consistently regular. 

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2 hours ago, AbeLinkedIn said:

Update: I got home from church feeling like I had to go, only two or three small pebbles , one of which I almost had to coax out. I'm getting concerned again but I have a question: I only ate one sandwich today as I'm not feeling hungry, could that have something to do with my lack of activity so to speak? I need some grounding as I'm starting to poke and prod again

Stop the poking and prodding! You’re only going to make the area tender and painful. Everyone gets constipated periodically. As the others have posted, I too recommend taking something to loosen things up a bit. Relax, you’re fine.

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20 hours ago, AbeLinkedIn said:

...I'm just going to say I'm a little backed up and once I stop focusing on it and thinking I have to meet a poop quota, I'll be fine. 

😷 Recently, I got a little backed up, which is rare for me. However, it did feel like I had brick with sharp corners going through my intestine. Or, like I was being stabbed and someone was turning the knife. But, yeah, with anxiety we can be on such high alert that this is enough to trigger full-blown panic mode.  Over the years I've learned to talk myself off the ledge...most of the time😉

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I managed to use the bathroom a little bit this morning, not a whole lot but I noticed something: My sphincter feels tense. Could that be part of the constipation or a different issue? I'm going to try eating some more also 

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