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Moving burning pains

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Disclaimer: I am in acceptance phase of my physical symptoms of anxiety. This is more of a journal and a-need-support post


So there are days when I don't feel or can ignore my burning nerve pain in the temple. And there are days when it consumes me.

Today started normal and happy. As the day passed by. I started feeling burning pain on the top skin of my feet. Legs started to ache. Frequency of pee increased and I have no reason to be anxious or worried at all. It started giving me all those what if thoughts of diseases that I could assume I have and I don't have them. 

I just feel so defeated with these nerve pains as they have no solution and no doctor is able to answer me. And they make me go in a really bad zone as I always had a low tolerance to pains. 


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I used to get those in my legs, shoulders, arms and chest. Usually one area at a time but sometimes two or three at a time. It’s one of those things that you need to tackle your anxiety in general for any and all sensations and feelings associated with it to subside. 

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I still get those kind of Pains occasionally. And as you said when I try to explain it to my doctors, they don't seem to understand. My father also suffered from this to the point where he could never get any sleep at night. His doctors called it fibromyalgia. 

 Please don't assume I'm saying you have fibromyalgia.

Due to my understanding of how Google works, I never looked up the symptoms for fear that I'd find something I would attribute to me. When I asked my dad about it, his explanation was "my doctors called it that because they don't know what's wrong with me".  After a few years though my father, after he retired, got over those sensations and pains. I'm wondering if it was something to do with having worked and walked around on concrete / asphalt for 12 to 16 hours a night, 60 hour weeks for the past 31 years?

I'm not sure, but since his retirement- it went away.

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Hello this was s posted back in May and just saw this.  I have been suffering with burning skin all over my body for years. Again no reason for it. I got nervous because it can be a symptom of MS which is what I am concerned about. All tests are neg. Anxiety has been with me for many many years but I still worry about this. Anyone here having the same problem. 

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