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What is wrong with me? I keep laughing and talking to myself!?

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There must be something seriously WRONG with me! I keep laughing and taking to myself CONSTANTLY even in front of my friends and people and I am but even aware of this behaviour! It's certainly not normal behaviour! What is wrong with me? I don't know how to stop, most of the time I'm not even aware of it but people think that I'm a freak! HELP!

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You're ok ! The fact that you are saying something must be seriously wrong with me is a big indicator that probably nothing serious is wrong. In my experience, the truly mentally ILL have no idea that they are doing anything abnormal. See what I mean?  I find myself wanting to talk to myself and even doing it sometimes.  My brain is so full of STUFF all the time , sometimes it's got to come out the mouth.  I want to say things like    ''' keep going, you're ok, it's just the store, you're gonna make it,  f***** people get outta my way, i'm almost done, that's just a hiccup, no big deal ' etc. Somewhat these are self motivating terms, at least for me, but I think its' like my own personal little cheerleader in my head saying we're going to make it !   

You're ok Missy! I know it's hard to believe right now.But you are ok !  

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You're usually more forthright than that Joy! I have heard you say tell "IT" to sod off, or words to that effect. And righly so. If we can  put "IT" outside ourselves and view it as something not belonging to us (and it doesn't really) then we can take a more objective view. " Clear off. I've had enough of you and your bloody silly antics". Can help; done it myself.   Regards.    J.

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I DO J!  I talk like that a lot but I didn't want to scare off a new member with my vulgar speaking style until she gets to know

me better ! :) 

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i talk and laugh at myself and my mom always ask me what im doing i dont notice it its just a regular day to me untill somebody comes in the room and ask whats going on

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i learned that the voice in my head is my subconsice my doc said because i dont get enough sleep and have other issues that sometimes i get caught of guard cause i find it hard to consentrate

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Hi Taney. I would suggest that what your doctor is saying is that that when we get tired and down the unconscious content of the mind tends to come to the fore. 'Voices' are often no more than this. Our normal consciousness tends to get supressed so that anything near the surface in the unconscious comes up.The inability to concentrate is so common in anxiety of any sort and I have yet to find a person who does not talk to themselves. Probably the only way to get sensible answers!! Try not to worry too much about what is normal in the circumstances you are in at the moment. You will be fine.  And welcome to the site. Gilly (Admin) will be along no doubt to give you  a warm welcome. Regards.    Jon.

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