
I'm scared

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I have depersonilization, and dont feel real sometimes, but I am still selfaware and conscious, I'm so terrified that one day that I will lose being self aware and conscious or lose being me cause I feel like its coming when my depersonilization acts up, I'm terrified and it makes my anxiety worse when I think I'm about to lose myself for ever and basically non exist 

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I know you are. It's ok, really. It's one side effect of anxiety. I have never heard of a person losing themselves. You will always be you, depersonalization is just a side effect of being anxious. I promise you. You will not go crazy and do something that's unlike you. You are just in a heightened state of fear and nerves. It's a very common fear in anxiety. Promise. 

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Thank you! Im feeling sleepy now from being worn out by it, I just had a thought pop up of, what if I lose myself and really nonexist instead of feeling like it and it causes a whole heap of issues lol

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The only thing you can currently do, is accept as is. Don't add more fear by allowing your mind to make you think you are going crazy- you are not one bit. 

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1 minute ago, Tbaldwin7 said:

Thank you! Im feeling sleepy now from being worn out by it, I just had a thought pop up of, what if I lose myself and really nonexist instead of feeling like it and it causes a whole heap of issues lol

Yes, it used to wear me out so much. Get some sleep and let the thoughts be thoughts. They don't make you! Let them pass by as calmly as you can. Don't react. You are in my thoughts. We have all been there. You''ll get through this! But you can't force it away. Just one day at the time. 

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24 minutes ago, Tbaldwin7 said:

I have depersonilization, and dont feel real sometimes, but I am still selfaware and conscious, I'm so terrified that one day that I will lose being self aware and conscious or lose being me cause I feel like its coming when my depersonilization acts up, I'm terrified and it makes my anxiety worse when I think I'm about to lose myself for ever and basically non exist 

And you always will be. You 'only' have anxiety. 

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1 minute ago, Tbaldwin7 said:

Thanks again! I have a therpy appoimtment on Tuesday and might even get some nonaddictive meds! 

Sounds like a great plan you got going for yourself. I'm glad to hear it. Let me know how you are tomorrow. 

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I will for sure! Im currently still having issues reading and writing from this confusion and issues feeling my body as if I'm kinda paralyzed so I'm trying to calm down! And then hopefully nap!

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I have been there...exactly where you are. It is most certainly a frightening feeling, but it does pass. I'm glad you have a therapy session soon. They will certainly help you to deal with it. Just know, I think all of us around here have experienced the same thing...and it's no fun...but it will pass.

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You have really helped, I'm feeling somewhat better at this point! Ill update you in the future where I am at!

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19 hours ago, Tbaldwin7 said:

I will for sure! Im currently still having issues reading and writing from this confusion and issues feeling my body as if I'm kinda paralyzed so I'm trying to calm down! And then hopefully nap!

I have issues right now typing. I got used to it. It's not a sign of something sinister. My brain is just fine. Once I've learned it's not a sign of a disease and I don't need to be perfect, things got much better. 

But I do remember how blurry things were at one point and how I couldn't focus on getting a sentence together. I assure you I have been there, as so many of us and here are the best news: It will pass! And make space for the important stuff. :)

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8 hours ago, MsLLL said:

How are you doing today? 

ive been out with the family all day! It was pretty fun but at the same time it has been a blur, which seems to be a side effect of depersonilization, seconds ago feels like hours or days but its whatever! The good news is I had fun today, i had some issues with me believing I'm getting taken over by a demon, ive come to the conclusin I might have OCD cause I'm obsessing over this lol but I'm sure it will be better when I talk to my therapist on Tuesday!

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20 hours ago, Tbaldwin7 said:

ive been out with the family all day! It was pretty fun but at the same time it has been a blur, which seems to be a side effect of depersonilization, seconds ago feels like hours or days but its whatever! The good news is I had fun today, i had some issues with me believing I'm getting taken over by a demon, ive come to the conclusin I might have OCD cause I'm obsessing over this lol but I'm sure it will be better when I talk to my therapist on Tuesday!

OCD can be another side effect of anxiety. My counselor had pointed that out to me. And puff, away it went. It will for you as well. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself today.


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5 hours ago, MsLLL said:

OCD can be another side effect of anxiety. My counselor had pointed that out to me. And puff, away it went. It will for you as well. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself today.


I honestly havnt even thought of it as that until I posted this! But ive been having issues with my head feeling super heavy and weird floaters/ things popping up in my eyes, everything seems like its trying to kill me? therapy couldn't come fast enought..

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