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Newborn baby, great diversion, but more worry too!

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Hey All!

Hope everyone is doing well, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, I’ve been doing pretty well, and still am with my own issues. But now I have a newborn baby to contend with! (Some may remember I posted a few times throughout the pregnancy).

its been great for me, I’ve hardly worried about myself since he’s arrived. But it’s a whole new world of worry when there’s a tiny human to look after!

I’m just watching him at night instead of getting the sleep I need, just to make sure he’s still breathing. Constantly taking his temperature, worrying that he’s not feeding properly, or that something is wrong that I haven’t spotted.

No real question or comments to make here, just thought I’d update everyone ?

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Congrats Ruu! Is this your first? What a wild ride you are in for!!! My first was a boy, he is 14 now, and to think he used to be little and sweet like your little guy!!! You should smell the 14 year old, lol!

  • Haha 1

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Haha thanks @NervUs! Although, I don’t want to wish the time away, but I can’t wait until he’s 6-months/1-year old. So many things become less of a risk as he grows.

Yeah, he’s our first. People say the first is always the one you worry about too.

No one tells you just quite how difficult these first few days/weeks are.

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I had no HA with #1. I worried normal amounts I guess, but my HA waited until #3 to really get into the spirit!!!

Yes, the newborn stage is difficult. It's the kind of thing I don't think you can really understand until you've been through it yourself! I had NO concept of children at all. After 14 years and 3 of them, I still don't lol.

Even though it's hard and exhausting, soak in those little moments. As the say, the days are long and the years are short with kids. That is so very true!

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Congratulations on your new kiddo, @Ruu! You're absolutely right that the first one is the one you worry about the most - it's all so new! My mom had postpartum anxiety with me (her only). She was so afraid she was going to accidentally drop me or hurt me somehow, or that something would happen. It's scary being left to fend for yourself AND a small, helpless person! 

Rest assured that it sounds like you're doing a great job and are a loving, attentive mother. Your boy is so lucky to have you! 

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16 minutes ago, Angelica Schuyler said:

Rest assured that it sounds like you're doing a great job and are a loving, attentive mother. Your boy is so lucky to have you! 

Thanks @Angelica Schuyler! (although I'm the father, haha :D)

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Thanks @PennyPanic. I'm trying to! haha, it's difficult, wishing he gets older quicker to get out of any danger zones, but also not wishing the time away too quickly

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9 hours ago, Ruu said:

Thanks @PennyPanic. I'm trying to! haha, it's difficult, wishing he gets older quicker to get out of any danger zones, but also not wishing the time away too quickly

I have 3 and I didn't have the anxiety like I do now when I had them, but I was a walking zombie probably the 1st year of their lives. I would constantly wake to feel if they were breathing, I wrote down how much they ate and how many dirty diapers etc.. the worry was the same with all 3 but taking care of them was easier after the 1st. I felt like a pro by the 3rd lol. All of your feelings are so normal. Hugs and congrats!!!

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17 hours ago, Holls said:

 I wrote down how much they ate and how many dirty diapers etc.. the worry was the same with all 3 but taking care of them was easier after the 1st.

Thanks @Holls! I was doing the same, writing down all his feeds, times and amounts for the first week, mainly because the midwifes were worried he wasn’t feeding enough at first (which was great for my anxiety! ?). But I’ve managed to stop that.

im tempted to get one of those breathing monitors for while he’s sleeping, to try releive my worry and let me get some sleep. But some people say they make anxiety worse.

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1 hour ago, Ruu said:

Thanks @Holls! I was doing the same, writing down all his feeds, times and amounts for the first week, mainly because the midwifes were worried he wasn’t feeding enough at first (which was great for my anxiety! ?). But I’ve managed to stop that.

im tempted to get one of those breathing monitors for while he’s sleeping, to try releive my worry and let me get some sleep. But some people say they make anxiety worse.

That must be new. My daughter is 5 and I never heard of those. I wouldn't get it, your worry is normal for a new parent. Ever pareny checks their child's breathing during the new born stages. Hugs. It gets better. 

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