Panic Mode10

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  1. Thank you for talking me down. You’ve helped me today. So scared but feel so weak and just drained. In my normal life only my bf knows a little of what I’m going through. I’m ashamed to talk about my fears. Really just can’t say a lot out loud for fear. I walk around and smile like nothing is wrong but inside I’m crumbling. My bf is so sweet and tries to help me but I’m so scared to tell him all I’m going through. I’m in the process of moving, a new job and my son is moving off to college. I know I need to talk to a professional and I plan to. I also plan to see a neurologist when I work up the courage. Thank you for listening and helping me. It means the world. ❤️
  2. I’m back. I’m in the deepest hole I’ve ever been in with constant ALS fears. I know something is seriously wrong with me. I had a referral to a neurologist and they called to inform me that they do not accept my insurance. The twitches can be barely noticeable some days then come back with a vengeance. The other night I a lot of alcohol, something I had mostly given up thinking that’s what was causing my calf pain/tightness and twitching. The day after drinking excessively I was twitching like crazy and believe I had a panic attack. I feel like my abdomen has atrophied and I have a dent in my upper calf. I’m sooooo stressed over all of this. The symptoms of calf / abdominal spasms / tightness started a 13 months ago. I’m not sure when the twitches started as I didn’t record them until I searched my symptoms and realized I had them (that was probably 3 months ago.) I will say my calf spasms, tightness as well as abdominal issues are much better... That scares me because I’ve read in ALS, the spasms go away, then the twitches start. Also, my left upper arm feels like I have some kind of shock like / frozen/ painful sensation that comes and goes. It’s quite scary. I have a new job that’s extremely intense. I don’t begin until next Thursday. I’m so afraid I won’t be able to perform well. Any advice is welcomed. I appreciate everyone here so much. 🥺😥
  3. That was beautiful honesty. Thank you for sharing. It feels just like the life I’m living right now. 🥺😥
  4. Thank you for the helping me. I hope I can do the same for someone one day. Bless you! ❤️
  5. I agree. His response did freak me out a little. I’m trying so hard to feel good, but I really do have something physically wrong with me. I’m normally positive, upbeat and happy, but I can’t deny my real physical symptoms. They’ve been constant for a year now. 🥺🥺
  6. Thank you for reaching out. So sorry for the people you mentioned. I’m caught in this heck of a place consumed with my anxiety. I have good days where I’m back to myself and then I have bad days where I wake up with calf spasms, funny numb sensations and twitching that sucks me back down the ALS rabbit hole. I need to have an EMG but I’m absolutely petrified. What’s worse is the neurologist’s office is 3 to 4 weeks out from scheduling appointments and I’m deathly afraid to schedule. I pray daily to be healthy but something is really wrong with my body. I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I still walk for exercise and lift weights a few times a week, but the symptoms I have are concerning. I’ve kept an open mind thinking the ailments I feel could be IBS, a pinched nerve or a million other things, but I can’t stop thinking it’s really ALS and one day I’ll wake up and not be able to move. 🥺🥺🥺
  7. I need to think about anxiety meds. I tried them a very long time ago and took them for many years. Eventually came off. The side effects, I hated; weight gain, being one. Is there anything natural I could do instead?
  8. Thank you. I’m trying so hard. ❤️
  9. Thank you for the response. I’m literally in a hole. Your words have helped me so much. I felt the same on the ALS site thinking maybe I hadn’t explained my symptoms correctly. Maybe it wasn’t pain / maybe just spasms and my mind said pain. Ugh. I’m trying so hard. I’m re-reading your responses to refer back to. Thank you. ❤️
  10. I’m so sorry you had to experience what you did. Thank you for the thoughtful responses you’ve given me. I can remember probably 1.5 to 2 yrs ago that my foot hurt so badly that I felt I could barely take it. I seriously thought I had an injury from my workout class, so I just pressed on. The foot issues got better after months, then my calf became affected on the same side of my body. In your opinion, would I be seeing more symptoms of ALS by now? So engulfed right now and no apt with neurologist yet.
  11. I hope you’re doing much better! I appreciate your time and advice. I’m trying and will overcome this. No more ALS forums. I’m focused on prayer and healthy lifestyle choices. ❤️
  12. Thank you so much. I’m not going back to those sights. The more I learn the deeper the hole becomes. I took myself off the email list. Anxiety is the worst. It’s stolen so many good days from me, but I’m determined to start living without this dark cloud again. ❤️
  13. I’m so consumed with fear that I have ALS! I’ve been on the ALS forum- they were so kind to me but asked me to leave. I feel like a selfish jerk for being there in the first place. But, I truly think I have ALS. I’ve had foot pain, calf pain, abdominal pain, spasms and twitching for a year. No other problems that I know of except I feel the top of my abdominal muscles have atrophied. I want to see a neurologist but I don’t know when- my Dr. referred me. I’m also scared to go. I feel I might die. This has taken all my joy.
  14. I agree with all you said, but my pain started before I googled ALS, but I’ve always had HA! I can go down any rabbit hole there is with HA! Why does my brain think I have the worst illnesses? It’s a curse!! I saw my GP several times... He just checked for arthritis, vitamin deficiency. But mainly perplexed at my symptoms. I also had a CT with contrast scan of my abdomen. All looked normal. I never picked up on ALS fears until I read about twitches (2 months ago) and suddenly realized I’d been having them. Of course now I noticed them all the time. They’re not as bad as they were but I still have them daily. I asked to be referred to a neurologist and my GP said he would as this has been going on for at least a year. Wouldn’t I most likely have more debilitating symptoms if this were ALS after at least a year of spasms, pain? 🥺🥺 Can’t enjoy life or plan for the future like this. I feel so self indulgent and miserable like this. 🥺
  15. I’m so consumed with fear that I have ALS! I’ve been on the ALS forum- they were so kind to me but asked me to leave. I feel like a selfish jerk for being there in the first place. But, I truly think I have ALS. I’ve had foot pain, calf pain, abdominal pain, spasms and twitching for a year. No other problems that I know of except I feel the top of my abdominal muscles have atrophied. I want to see a neurologist but I don’t know when- my Dr. referred me. I’m also scared to go. I feel I might die. This has taken all my joy.