Cherished Gal

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About Cherished Gal

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  1. I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this. My granddaughter deals with anxiety attacks and it always comes in different ways. She has found that she has to busy her mind and her body to keep them at bay. She has to either get out and walk (get fresh air), get with others that she is comfortable with, or throw herself into cleaning. Her counselor suggests she keep a "Thankful Journal", writing down things that happened that day that she is thankful for, just to get her to focus on the good things happening around her. She really thinks that is very helpful. I hope you can figure out what is most helpful for you.
  2. I would probably go and see the GP and talk with them about tests. I don't think you can be too careful. It could be something like fatigue, dryness or even allergies, but I would want to know that it wasn't something that could have been caught with the right test. Praying that you find answers soon and everything is ok.
  3. It sounds like panic attacks. The best thing you can do for panic attacks is calm the mind. I have been underwater with debt before and it does cause all kinds of health problems. But you need to realize it will change if you tackle it paying off the little things and putting that money toward the next larger one and so on. Also getting the word "need" out of your mind. You only need things to survive on until you get a handle on your situation. Next concentrate on what you are thankful for. I had to keep a "Thankful journal" and write in it every night before going to bed. I started with 5 things and built up from gets easier as your mind starts paying attention to the little things in life. In the last several years I've found I've become a minimalist just because I've found happiness isn't things. Praying you find a calmness that sets you free from your anxieties.