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About angeldust

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  1. Thank you for some more ideas, I am going to try this. I don't have any friends and just have my daughter's and they have been through enough with issues of their own. I hope you have a peaceful evening.hugs hugs and more hugs?
  2. Thank you so very much for the time you used to reply.As everyone else on here knows,some days just are far too hard. Many many hugs back to you ?
  3. Hello, I have not been on here in a long time as I was doing a bit better. I am having a rough go lately and thought someone might chat with me. Had to many upsetting things happen and now feeling so sick and scared. Looking for suggestions. Thank you
  4. Hi John,have you gotten any of my messages? If you are not upset with me please can you chat with me I am really having a hard time.

    1. jonathan123


      Angel. See the message page.

  5. Hi Joe,I also have allergies with a new scary twist.I had pressure on and off from my ears but no ringing.I went to e doctor and he checked and said the tubes in the ear were swollen so that is what was giving me that "weird" feeling.Yes,it is scary,but this year my eyes are more burning and dry than running.Go,let them check your ears and throat.I was given a spray to reduce the swelling. hope you feel better soon.
  6. there is no hell after this lol this is hell for heart truly goes out to all those that this is everyday for me if I get too much on my plate all at once the overwhelming really gets to me then the stupid ride just goes on.
  7. thank you very much for the reply.if I was not do scared of how weak and drained I feel I coukd do better for myself.just still working on that.thanks again
  8. Hi everyone,boy when I loose a grip and my A and D and I do not eat right don't get enough sleep boy it sure makes the climb back up mighty hard.Trying too eat little bits and trying too drink more today.Thank you for letting me post,just needed a shoulder. I hope all are have a better day.
  9. Hi Jonathan,hope you and your wife are doing very good.

  10. I am sooooo happy for you!!!! It nice too read something positive is right.I wish you all the best and hope it all keeps going forward for you. take care,Val
  11. sorry about the typeos,dwell and hey maybe that made you laugh
  12. Hi Jeff,I was the same.I can go for a long time where my mind does not fwell on things and I seem to do fine.Then if I have too much happen that uosets me then oh boy it seems to start the ridevall overvagain.I am no expert at all but to me I don't think it truly goes away I think it might just sleep sometimes as we are doing better.John or Gilly have great answers.
  13. Thank you too all for your time to reply!
  14. angeldust


    Hi Ty,I hear you.The early darkness does not help and makes the days very long.Here it has been overcast for so many days and I find that does not help either.Hey,don't worry about how you wrote the post! I have ears I will chat.hope you are feeling a bit better. take care,Val