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About zibius

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  1. I'm just really amazed at how long any given symptoms can last. What i'm starting to understand is that our body can take alot of stress but if we ignore the softer warnings (problem sleeping, can't eat) we will usually get something worst. I'm still learning to watch out for signs but like Jonathan123 said, removing the stress is my ultimate goal.
  2. I really like the analogy and what Make G said about fueling our fear fueling our symptoms. Looking back at the last few weeks i should have seen this coming. Could not sleep, jaw pain, irritable, stomach problems. Everybody around were just stupid. I need to get smarter about this. Will try to find something to read about managing life little stresses. Thank you all.
  3. Well, it shows how you guys don't know anything. I probably have an undiscovered disease that only I have. It cant be just stress/anxiety. Joke aside, you guys gave me the bit of info I needed to keep working on my mental state. I'm just amazed at how long symptoms can last. I see a lot of problem caused by a panic attack, but what about lingering symptoms. They are tough to get rid off. I will try to work on the root cause of my stress and try to stop it from getting me sick. p.s. This website as the best community of people.
  4. Hi, well for the last 2 month I have been stuck with a painful hypersensitive skin. If I scratch it hurts, wearing clothes hurt, it's from head to toe and there is no rash. My MD did a bunch of blood test and they are all normal. I have consulted 3 more doctors and they do not agree on the cause. I had a kind of burn out 3 years ago and I have been on cipralex. I did have a very stressful last few months. So far, I'm looking at maybe a symptom of anxiety, allergic reaction to medication or food. i'm just curious to know if a stress or anxiety symptom can last that long Anybody as any ideas ?
  5. First, thanks for the quick reply. It's not the worst kind of health problem someone can have but it's frightening and painful one. The question I keep asking myself is can someone develop a side effect to a medication even if I have been taking it for several month. Or maybe I made things worst by mixing anti-depressant (cymbalta) with advil, Tylenol, Tramadol and celebrex. I had a problem with one of my adductor and my MD tough it was in my head. Cortisone injection in my leg fixed that problem. That hypersensitivity came at a time of greater stress and anxiety. Today, I would be fine if it was not from my skin problem. I think I'm in a catch 22 kind of situation.
  6. Hi, well for the last 2 month I have been stuck with a painful hypersensitive skin. If I scratch it hurts, wearing clothes hurt, it's from head to toe and there is no rash. My MD did a bunch of blood test and they are all normal. I have consulted 3 more doctors and they do not agree on the cause. I had a kind of burn out 3 years ago and I have been on citalopram since then. Last January, my MD switch me to cymbalta (apparently it's a better anti-depressant) and 2 weeks ago I asked to be switched to cipralex. So far, I'm looking at maybe a symptom of anxiety, allergic reaction to de medication or something hard to diagnose. Anybody as any ideas ?