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  1. Thank you, Ironman. Technically, my BUN was in the normal range but it was high normal (so it was marked with blue printer ink which still puts me off). The doctor said she wasn't worried because my GFR and Crea were a-okay. Sigh it's so hard not to worry even when the docs say nothing is wrong. Thank you for reminding me.
  2. Thank you for your reply. You had me a bit off a laugh with your last sentence. Been feeling a bit better now.
  3. I'm currently undergoing tests for high BP as well. A part of me thinks I have it but is worsened by my health anxiety and white coat syndrome. I envy your numbers! I had a 170/100 at the vaccination site a month ago which made me panic and finally see this wonderful and understanding cardiologist right now.
  4. I recently had a trip to my derm for something similar and she confirmed it to be a cherry angioma and assured me it wasn't sinister. She even offered me to have it removed, but I had to delay it until my insurance covered it.
  5. Hi all, I'm a 30 male who've had high BP for the past few years and I've always thought it was attributed to my white coat syndrome and health anxiety especially at the clinic. Just recently, after a BP scare, I finally saw a very nice and understanding cardiologist. I've finally found a doctor who takes into account my health anxiety. As usual, she ordered the standard tests such as blood work and ECG for baseline. After a grueling wait, the results are out: CBC - normal Uric acid- normal Potassium- normal Creatinine/GFR Kidney function- normal (thank goodness!) FBS- normal A1c dibates- normal (whew!) Blood Urea Nitrogen- normal but in the "high normal" range which was marked blue (ugh!) Lipid profile - Good cholesterol was normal, but bad cholesterol was a bit high (marked red) - not surprised, but doc said it can be brought down by diet (no meds for now) ECG was satisfactory but found an early repolarization thing which, according to her, was often a benign finding and can be seen in a lot of young people like me. My awesome cardiologist said everything seemed ok, but I've been scheduled for a 24-BP monitor test next month to determine if I will be given BP meds. Anyway, I'm supposed to feel better after the good news from the tests, but I couldn't help but obsess over my Blood Urea Nitrogen which can be a marker of kidney health. The doctor assured me that mine was still in the normal level but it was simply marked BLUE because it was in the high normal range. She said she didn't see it as a concern, considering that I probably just didn't drink a lot of water, and that my creatinine and GFR results had very good numbers, according to her. Sorry, I don't have the exact numbers here because I did NOT look at my tests results because I knew I'd obsess over them. All I know is that my Blood Urea Nitrogen was marked blue and that my bad cholesterol was marked red (which funnily enough, I'm not so worried about now). Of course, I googled what it could mean and I found kidney failure all over! I can't stop obsessing over my kidneys because of the BUN result 😞
  6. Oh my that is such a terrifying experience. I'm glad it was just hem in the end. Thank you so much. I feel much better now. I did a wipe again today and it was perfectly brown and had no blood (sorry for TMI).
  7. Thank you. I'm trying not to stare at the stool because it just drives me crazy. I don't want to obsess over these small things I might notice.
  8. Thank you for your response. I've been trying to go on a fish and veggie diet right now so not sure about that. Anyway, I had a poop again just now and my stool was perfectly the normal and usual shape. It was brown and I flushed it. But before after it, I thought of its different shades and I don't know if my mind was just letting me go haywire, but I thought I was seeing some darker brown/green (I had salad last night) that could pass as red strokes. But then again, I don't know it could be all in my head or the lighting. I wiped gently with tissue paper and there was no blood. Ugh I can't stop thinking.
  9. Thank you so much for your response. I'm really not sure now that I think about it. Anyway, I had a poop again just now and my stool was perfectly the normal and usual shape. It was predominantly brown and I flushed it. But after flushing it, I thought of its different shades and I don't know if my mind was just letting me go haywire, but I thought I was seeing some dark brown that could pass for red shade? But then again, I don't know it could be all in my head. I wiped gently with tissue paper and there was no blood. Ugh I can't stop thinking.
  10. Hello. I'm new here. This morning I went to the toilet to poop. The funny part is that a delivery man knocked on my apartment’s door so I had to finish my business and flush down the poop (I didn’t take time to see the poop) to attend to him. The gross part is that I wasn’t able to wipe immediately so it took me around another 5 to 10 mins to wipe my bottom with tissue paper after I transacted with the delivery man. When I did, I noticed a small speck of kinda dark red (almost maroon) blood on it. I wiped a couple more times and there were still some bloody specks although even smaller this time. I am worried because of the color. I had blood on my tissue paper before but it was bright red and just thought of anal tears or haemorrhoids. I read that if it is darker it might be serious. But then again it took me another 5 to 10 mins before I wiped because of the delivery man who I had to attend to. Right now, I am anxious of going back to the toilet because I feel that I will obsess over the toilet paper or my stool. I am scared I might have cancer or anything more serious. I am hoping that it could be just harmless hemorrhoids, skin irritation, or anal tear but my anxiety is killing me. :(