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I got hit on the jaw by accident and on my right side behind my ear i chew and it feels like something is moving and i press in my ear and its likee a Crunching sound  its only on my right side i eat and its like evrytime i chew my bone moves or something??? no pain i can eat chew open my mouth move side to side its just freaking me out sooo bad my anxiety is over the top right now :( pleasee help mee/.\ 

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Hi. Nicolee. Welcome to AC. :).

Well, from what you say it's obvious you have bruises. If it worries you overmuch get it checked out. An X Ray may calm your fears.  But it sounds to me as if the usual thing is happening in anxiety. You are concentrating all your thoughts and energy onto the symptoms and reason is being forced out.

 no pain i can eat chew open my mouth move side to side its just freaking me out sooo bad my anxiety is over the top right now :(

But that sounds normal. If the blow caused bruising then you will feel uncomfortable for a while. It will pass physically, but your thoughts have to be sorted. You sound as if you have Health Anxiety and I suggest you look up all the info on the site abut that problem. It can be frightening I know. We get carried away by our thoughts; they become so real it's as if we are taken over by them. We can think of nothing else and go round in circles. I do hope you don't go to Dr.Google!! A big mistake if you do. Try and find something to take your mind in a different direction. I know, not easy. But it's the continual 'What If's' that cause the problem. As I said, look round the site and see how others have coped then come back if you wish and talk again.         Jon.

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I say go to a dr and have it checked so you know what you're dealing with. If you had a sore foot, you would not walk on it a few days until it felt better. But we still have to eat and chew so we cannot really properly ' rest' a sore jaw.  Maybe try some of the liquid meals like BOOST for a day or two and chew very slowly when you do and only softer foods and try to give it time to heal.  

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