
Buzzing/tingling ?

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Hi, I posted on here a little while ago with burning sensations,well I am happy to say they have done one ? But now I am getting buzzing and tingling in my foot and legs mainly the left side ? Argh!!! It is freaking me out and just wondered how common this was. I really am starting to lose this battle it seems as soon as one thing subsides I am left with something else to deal with and I can not help but worry about it being something more serious like ms. Guess I am just looking for a little reassurance.

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Very common, i get that a lot and is another anxiety symptom.  Notice how every symptom you feel is associated with fear?  Try not to think of this as a battle, like you are pitted against anxiety in some sort of war as this mindset is what allows anxiety to flourish within you.  You will not win in a straight fight with anxiety as battling strengthens anxiety and weakens your resolve, the harder you fight, the stronger 'it' gets.  You do not have MS, i can tell you that now, you have a introspective fixation with sensations, this sensitises the nerve endings into misfiring which is what you are feeling and you adding fear and fighting it which in turn makes the sensations worse.  It's a vicious circle.  Anxiety has a habit of creating another symptom once the old symptom loses its grasp on you.  The trick is to recognise and ACCEPT that this is the case instead of fearing it for anxiety without its fuel source, fades.

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Thank you Mark,I know what you are saying is right but some days it gets the better of me. Your mind set towards anxiety is fantastic I could do with your council on a daily basis ? The buzzing is a new one for me and anything new freaks the hell out of me,generally if it's a recurring symptom I can deal with it better.

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Hi Cozza 

i have had tingling in my feet and I swear I thought I developed full blown diabetes because at one point I was pre- diabetic. I used to google a lot and it just made my anxiety worse.... Google can really make you start thinking about all the "what ifs out there"... 

Mark is right just accept that it's anxiety you are feeling nothing more. It helps to challenge your negative thoughts by asking yourself "are these really the symptoms of MS or is it just my anxiety going at it again"... You will eventually realize it's just your anxiety symptoms playing up again. But having said said that if the symptoms get worse or you are worried than that is what our doctor is there for :) 

Take care 


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Yes my anxiety got ridiculous after I discovered Dr Google before that I didn't know about half the nasty that are out there and I wouldn't have linked certain sensations to different illnesses,I have now opened a mine field of anxieties. I did go to th Dr about the burning but he didn't think it was anything to worry about,he did blood tests that came back fine apart from a slight vitamin D deficiency. 

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The buzzing is a new one for me and anything new freaks the hell out of me

See the trigger and the cycle.

Remove Google from your life, that's an absolute must, it will not serve you well, it's full of worst case scenario's and advertisements.  These sites are raking it in and thats the only reason they are there, certainly not to help people.

This mine field of anxieties only exist because of how you think about them.  They are there because you fear them.  Anxiety starts as a thought, you react to the though and the cycle starts.

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Thank you for your advice, I have stopped with the googling but unfortunately the information is there in my head now ? So kinda hard not to forget about it now. Can I ask how long it took before you accepted your symptoms as the cause of anxiety? I take it you still expierence anxiety symptoms.

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Yes that info remains and there is no possible way of forgetting about it so don't, accept it is there, it's not going to hurt you as it's just information, and information doesn't give you illness it only makes you THINK that you will get an illness.  It's all thought.  It's taken me a while to understand and to practice acceptance and yes, i still get symptoms and i still get thoughts, it doesn't just go, but i have learnt to identify, to accept and to not react.  Reacting to any symptom or thought in a negative way will keep that symptom or thought going.  My advice would be to not try to think of timelines, that brings frustration when you are not 'progressing' at the rate someone else did.  Everyone's anxiety is different, it's subjective, and how fast you recover is entirely down to how you think as an individual.  Basically it takes as long as it takes.

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