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Palps and belching

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Hello everyone. Been a while since I posted but have had so much going on. I don't know if anyone else has found this to happen to them. I have noticed that when I have a gurgling tummy I sometimes get palpitations. My anxiety does cause me some tummy problems. However it seems to be now that when I belch it stops the palpitations. Anyone else have this?. Xx. 

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Any time I have heartburn or indigestion I get palps. My doctor says it's common 

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Thankyou so much for your reply. Yes I find that myself now too. Have a good day. ? 

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There's a nerve that runs by your tummy called the vagus nerve. When your belly starts doing somersaults, it can irritate the nerve and send signals to your heart. Happens to me a lot sometimes. When I get the episodes, it's usually after eating.


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