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Undiagnosed but freaking out

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I was diagnosed with GAD years ago, and have been on lexapro. Recently, I've been having more panic attacks especially when I'm driving. It got to the point that I couldn't even drive without getting dizzy, my heart pounding, feeling like I'm going to pass out, and a general out of body, anxious feeling. My doctor upped my medicine dose a bit, and it's helped.. But it still happens sometimes. I think this has become panic disorder. It's really inconvenient not to be able to drive, and I have an interview for a full time job on Monday. I really need this job and it isn't that far, I'm just really tired of my anxiety and panic attacks interfering with my life. 

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I know it seems frustrating.. but it will get better. If you cant afford therapy.. look on amazon or book stores for claire weekes books and CBT therapy books. They have great workbook pages and ways to work through it till you can be in therapy... Just believe in yourself... I know it sucks now and is hard.. but it does and will get better. 

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I would definitely do some reading.  If you can, find some local depression/anxiety support groups and talk to people in them.  You might also find out if any local hospitals offer free sessions through a student trainee.  I did that for a while myself here in Connecticut with a UConn student working under my therapist when my insurance was being denied.  

Meds alone will help, but you don't have the tools to help yourself.

I can relate... i have panic disorder and major depressive disorder.  I'm on 20mg of Lexapro every morning myself and .5mg Clonazepam nightly.  I've been in therapy for the last year and have a psychiatrist on the side... they both talk to each other.  A mixture of CBT and Exposure Therapy has helped me immensely.  

In the short term, i would do as Kylie suggested with the reading of Claire Weekes.  There's links on this site to her books and audio, the idea being acceptance of your panic.  Don't resist it and realize that the panic is going to hit you no matter what.  The longer you fight it, the more difficult it will be to overcome.  

You can breathing exercises with counting.  Try 6-8 seconds of inhalation and 6-8 seconds of exhalation through your nose.  The point is to put yourself into a rhythm, slowing your breathing.  Do this with your eyes closed.  

You can further attempt some guided meditation exercises with the same idea of counting and breathing.  There's an app on Android and iOS called Insight Timer.  I use it for short, 5 minute guided meditations.  It helps center me in the morning and further puts me at ease.

Self positive reinforcement helps a bit as well. 

That's about all i can say aside maybe trying some foods that may calm you.  Mint/Spearmint helps me for some reason.  I keep a tin of Altoids in my car.  You can also try some teas, or maybe eating ginger, which you can get in chews, candy, or gum.  Ginger also helps with stomach issues.

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Completely agree with everything HDBobbers and Kylie have said. Meditation is really helpful as is the teachings of Claire Weekes.  I have a cube of ginger most days, it's very helpful for your digestion and in turn your well-being :) 

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