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Smoking and panic attacks

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I was wondering if any of you on here have quit smoking? And if your anxiety and/or panic attacks start to act up?  And if so for how long?

i am on day 3  of not smoking. and woke up  this morning with a major panic attack. And still have.   I don't feel like smoking.  I am just having a big panic attack and now worried I am going to have them more offten? 


I think I need to talk to someone that has gone through this and can tell me there exsperance. 

Would love some prayers and possitive energy sent my way. Thank you

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I quit smoking in 2011 when i was having checks on my heart.  I just thought smoking was not worth it.  Coming off the cigarettes will destabilize the mind a little as your body starts to crave that nicotine, something which it thinks you need in order to live so you may get a little panicky temporarily until your mind and body settle again.  You seems to be setting up an anticipatory thought process however when you say that you are now worried that you will have them more often.  That will install fear and increase the possibility that you will have more, but if you do, don't add panic, let it wash over you and leave without fearing it. The fear of panic creates panic.  You may have a bout of them, you may not, try to practice the mindset that it doesn't matter whether you do or not.  That will lead you down the right path.  You have made a great and positive decision, don't let anxiety drag you back down again, do not connect with it's misplaced and erroneous thoughts.  You will get there, that's a certainty :) 

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