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sore temple

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Two days ago, in the morning, while I was running to catch the bus, I started to get sudden sharp pains on my left temple every... I don't know, about 30 seconds? Yesterday I was fine, I got a couple of them and it just felt a bit sore. Today it feels sore when I touch it and I have a sense of tension all over. Could it be because of anxiety, cause I went on my first long trip alone (with the university, for one month) and I was worrying about my agoraphobia? Or I got cold... I just hope it isn't anything serious, as I'm far from home and I'd really like to have a good time here...

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And there's no way I can see a doctor here, unless it's a real case of emergency.

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I've had the same thing the last 2 days elf. It's nothing serious, probably tension and a little sinus pressure. The weather has been quite humid here, and I have had some anxiety too, hormone driven, so I think it is that too.


Give your eyes a rest, don't read too much or look at the computer too long, a neck message and massaging your temples will help too. Try not to worry, it will pass.

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I don't know... Now it hurts quite a lot. It comes and goes. I'm afraid it's an aneurysm.

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No no no, not an aneurysm, that is the anxiety talking! As far as I know aneurysms don't come and go :)

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I don't even know what an aneurysm is or what its symptoms are, I just heard that it's in the brain and you can suddenly die from it. I just have headaches and strange sensations on my left temple for like 4 days and I'm worried cause today it's worse. I can't rule out the possibility that I'm just anxious because it's been a long day... Thanks for replying, I need that...

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Hello again... Well my headache's still here. It's better cause it doesn't hurt so bad and sometimes I don't think about it... but it is still here. Also there's a feeling of pressure in my left temple, but now I rarely ever get the shooting pains. But I'm tired of having it and still afraid so I looked up the symptoms of the aneurysm... Now I feel like my left eyelid is falling, it's a strange sensation, like I can't fully open my eye. However when I look in the mirror my eyes are almost the same (well they have never been exactly the same). But I think the left lid looks lower... I know I sound insane but I'm too afraid of the aneurysm. I don't know what is real and what I feel because of my anxiety. Notice that no one knows and that in spite of being so anxious I have not let anyone suspect I'm not perfectly ok.

I'm sorry for posting again, it feels like spamming...

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No not spamming elf, health anxiety. It's playing tricks on you. It's best not to google symptoms, all it will do is feed the fear and the anxiety making the symptoms worse. How is your eyesight? Do you wear glasses? It might be worth getting your eyes checked, eye strain can cause persistent tension headaches.

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My eyesight is normal, I don't wear glasses, and I can't get checked now, I'm far from home... excavating. Thank you for replying again...

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I get headaches like this and they seem to only come on when I am tense and/or stressed. They don't last very long and it is sort of scary when they are only in one specific area, like your temple.


I've found that I don't get them at home, only at work. That leads me to believe that they are just from stress. 


I hope they get better and you are able to enjoy your trip.

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