
Ovarian cancer fear

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This is probably my 50th time thinking I have Ovarian cancer, but this time it really feels different (as everyone with health anxiety tends to say)

I just turned 41 but for YEARS I’ve had the worst periods.  Very long and heavy and painful.  My old gyn would never listen to me.  I will also randomly get spotting after sex (although not often) and I get a feeling of fullness or heaviness in my pelvic area often.  I have went to the gyn for that several times over the years and she would usually order me an ultrasound.  They always came back fine, except for some cysts that resolved on their own. However, this month when I ovulated, the ovulation pain didn’t go away.  It feels like it traveled into my groin area, mainly on the right side but I also feel it on the left on occasion.  It’s going down to my thighs and my lower abdomen and lower back are also hurting.  Ovulation has been over for 3 weeks now, I’ve already had my period as well, but the pain and discomfort is still there.  It feels like my uterus is sore, would be the only way I know how to describe it, but like I said it goes into my groin and thighs as well.  It’s fairly constant, but does let up from time to time.  I have an appt with my new gyn on the 14th of this month, but in the meantime I’m really freaking out I have cancer.  
I did just have my pap in September, which was fine, but I also know that the pap doesn’t detect all cancers.  Im trying really hard to not let this take over my life but I can’t shake the worry that something is going on.  

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11 hours ago, Jessi said:

This is probably my 50th time thinking I have Ovarian cancer, but this time it really feels different (as everyone with health anxiety tends to say)

I just turned 41 but for YEARS I’ve had the worst periods.  Very long and heavy and painful.  My old gyn would never listen to me.  I will also randomly get spotting after sex (although not often) and I get a feeling of fullness or heaviness in my pelvic area often.  I have went to the gyn for that several times over the years and she would usually order me an ultrasound.  They always came back fine, except for some cysts that resolved on their own. However, this month when I ovulated, the ovulation pain didn’t go away.  It feels like it traveled into my groin area, mainly on the right side but I also feel it on the left on occasion.  It’s going down to my thighs and my lower abdomen and lower back are also hurting.  Ovulation has been over for 3 weeks now, I’ve already had my period as well, but the pain and discomfort is still there.  It feels like my uterus is sore, would be the only way I know how to describe it, but like I said it goes into my groin and thighs as well.  It’s fairly constant, but does let up from time to time.  I have an appt with my new gyn on the 14th of this month, but in the meantime I’m really freaking out I have cancer.  
I did just have my pap in September, which was fine, but I also know that the pap doesn’t detect all cancers.  Im trying really hard to not let this take over my life but I can’t shake the worry that something is going on.  

It doesn't sound like ovarian cancer would even form that fast.  I wouldn't even put much thought into it since you are meeting with your doctor anyway.  

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Paps don’t detect ovarian cancer though.  I haven’t had an ultrasound on my ovaries in over a year.  

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21 hours ago, Jessi said:

Paps don’t detect ovarian cancer though.  I haven’t had an ultrasound on my ovaries in over a year.  

It would still seem awfully sudden.  Worrying between now and the appointment won't do any good.  It is all anticipatory anxiety at this point.

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