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Hi guys... new here I’ve been reading many posts which seem to help me a bit! But I had a few questions.. I have been getting tingling/ pins and needles sensations in both my feet non stop. I had it for a few weeks and it goes away then comes back for no known reason. Had an mri of brain and cervical spine recently and all is completely normal. Just had a full work up of blood tests, absolutely perfect on everything. I have severe health anxiety and both my neurologist and primary care say I need to get ms out of my head. But I just don’t understand why these sensations keep coming back when I don’t even feel particularly anxious. I get other anxiety symptoms like tense muscles, sore muscles in arms and legs on occasion but this pins and needles is really stressing me out and I can’t calm down. Any one else have persistent symptoms like this?? Please help.

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6 minutes ago, Jlavoie said:

Hi guys... new here I’ve been reading many posts which seem to help me a bit! But I had a few questions.. I have been getting tingling/ pins and needles sensations in both my feet non stop. I had it for a few weeks and it goes away then comes back for no known reason. Had an mri of brain and cervical spine recently and all is completely normal. Just had a full work up of blood tests, absolutely perfect on everything. I have severe health anxiety and both my neurologist and primary care say I need to get ms out of my head. But I just don’t understand why these sensations keep coming back when I don’t even feel particularly anxious. I get other anxiety symptoms like tense muscles, sore muscles in arms and legs on occasion but this pins and needles is really stressing me out and I can’t calm down. Any one else have persistent symptoms like this?? Please help.

Yep. Sure do. I have recurring twitching and pins and needles. Sticks around for weeks sometimes before going away for a while. The big thing to remember with anxiety and stress both is that just because you don’t feel stressed or anxious now doesn’t mean you can’t have symptoms. Sometimes they come after you experience the stress. Also, you’re human... so sometimes this stuff happens for no known reason. Rest assured that MANY people in here have the same fears and symptoms. If you have had specialists look at you and they say you’re fine... then you are. Many of us haven’t even gone that far and we’re also fine. Try to ignore symptoms or do things to abate them. Working out, healthy eating, lots of water, plenty of sleep, etc. You got this. 

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Thank you so much for your reply! It really does help knowing others go through the same thing and that I’m not entirely crazy! Lol I just started buspirone this morning so hopefully that will help me! Once again I really appreciate you taking time to answer me! Our minds really tend to run away with us and I’m not sure why it’s so hard to believe doctors when they are the ones who know. 

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I too have these symptoms. Same as your location feet and calves. Have been off and on for three years. Been tested up the wazu. All tests are normal. My doctor diagnosed anxiety. It gets worse when my anxiety increases.

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16 minutes ago, clearhead said:

I too have these symptoms. Same as your location feet and calves. Have been off and on for three years. Been tested up the wazu. All tests are normal. My doctor diagnosed anxiety. It gets worse when my anxiety increases.

Have you just gotten use to it now and almost ignore it? I’m hoping that happens for me, my first stressor was muscle twitching that was once so bad when I’d focus on it, however I came to learn that it’s nothing but I just can’t shake this pins and needles. I truly appreciate your response I sure hope this just passes! 

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3 minutes ago, Jlavoie said:

Have you just gotten use to it now and almost ignore it? I’m hoping that happens for me, my first stressor was muscle twitching that was once so bad when I’d focus on it, however I came to learn that it’s nothing but I just can’t shake this pins and needles. I truly appreciate your response I sure hope this just passes! 

Yes, with time I have been able to ignore it. Especially the twitches. BTW all symptoms of BFS.

Along with the twitches comes :

  • aches
  • pains
  • stiffness
  • tingling
  • numbness
  • tremors, visible
  • non visible shakes
  • pins and needles
  • body jolts
  • fatigue

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Oh wow I had no idea those were symptoms of bfs which neurologist diagnosed me with. Thank you for that info it kinda makes sense he they could be caused by bfs. This really helps

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5 minutes ago, Jlavoie said:

Oh wow I had no idea those were symptoms of bfs which neurologist diagnosed me with. Thank you for that info it kinda makes sense he they could be caused by bfs. This really helps

There are theories that stress and anxiety cause BFS. Stress and anxiety do play a big role in BFS and will make symptoms worse when stress levels are high. 

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Oh okay I understand now, thank you! Very crazy how much stress and anxiety affect our bodies 

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It’s so frustrating  that I’m only 22 and i don’t know where this whole health anxiety came about! And I feel like most people just ignore all these ailments that I hyperfocus on and make worse 

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35 minutes ago, Jlavoie said:

It’s so frustrating  that I’m only 22 and i don’t know where this whole health anxiety came about! And I feel like most people just ignore all these ailments that I hyperfocus on and make worse 

I'm only 18 and had a massive ALS scare recently that I've just finally been recovering from in the past week or two. This has been my first (and hopefully last) bout of anxiety--EVER--so I totally understand your predicament. It's like this health anxiety just popped up out of nowhere! I hope you can get some peace of mind and start doing better soon! :)

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I’m glad you are on the mend!! Totally sucks being young and worrying about this kinda stuff but just need to push forward and hopefully will feel better soon! Thank you so much for the response! ☺️ This site is so helpful 

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