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Anyone else had swollen lymph nodes that never went away?

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I have had these two lymph nodes for a few months now. I’ve had three ultrasounds on one of them and a full blood workup, but haven’t had the other checked yet.

I’m seeing a specialist next week and i’m absolutely terrified.


Has anyone else had swollen lymph nodes for a long period of time and it was nothing serious?

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Lymph nodes can and do swell all the time for various reasons that need no real medical attention, whether it's a single lymph node or multiple. If the one you've had imaging done for yielded no results, it's likely, IMO, that they are normal. Are they swollen per your own observation, or are they clinically swollen, as in your provider deems them so?

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Yes - I actually had a couple of rock hard, immovable lymph nodes on the back of my neck that I was sure were due to metastatic cancer. After a full work up including CT and PET for some incidental findings, they actually disappeared after several more months. 

I still have nodes that are palpable in my neck, about 3 of them. If you've had a full workup and nothing came back suspicious you are almost certainly okay. 

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In high school I noticed I had two very large, yet soft squishy lymph nodes in my neck. The doctor felt them and said they were benign. They just seemed sooo big. I'm now 28 and they are still there and I have never gotten sick, so I assume everything is good there.

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