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Found 3 results

  1. I’ve been on Paroxetine for ~8 years now. It has definitely helped me a lot and I would probably be a complete mess if I hadn’t started taking medication for my anxiety. But I absolutely hate how it makes me feel if I forget to take it for even one day because it only has a 24 hour half-life. Nausea, dizziness, brain zaps, crying at the drop of a hat, it sucks. I really want to start weaning off of it so I can try something else that doesn’t have as many side effects, but I am nervous about the withdrawal process. Has anyone else weaned off of Paxil/Paroxetine, and if so what was your experience like?
  2. Paxil and general SSRI discontinuation resources: Note these forums, like, can be a bit biased against meds (in general or specific ones) - so use your best judgment Forum Support for tapering etc SSRI discontinuation syndrome: http://en.wikipedia....uation_syndrome http://bipolar.about...7_ssridisc1.htm
  3. Hi all I'm new to this forum but not new to anxiety. I have taken paxil in the past and it was successful taking care of my panic attacks but my doctor suggested I discontinue after a year on this medication. The withdrawals were AWFUL. I'm about to start on 5 mg of Lexapro but I'm scared. I don't want to have any side effects (insomnia, upset stomach ect..) but I'm sick of living with constant fear of my anxiety symptoms which causes those feelings anyways.... Not only do I have anxiety about anything heath related I am horrible at swallowing pills. Three different doctors told me today I should have no side effects because I was fine on the paxil but I'm still terrified. SO here goes nothing. Hopefully I can convince myself to start taking the lexapro I'm desperate for something to work for me.