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  1. i figured it's time to join a forum because i'm so tired of keeping everything bottled inside. i got a concussion in may and ever since then i get anxious every time i hit my head. yesterday, i hit my head against the edge of my laptop and the first thing i said was "ow...oh now i'm worried" because i was immediately worried about getting a concussion. this morning i woke up with slight head pressure and i'm really tired (but i'm also a busy college student). i have no other symptoms besides that and this anxiety, but somehow i am convinced that i have a concussion. i don't only have anxiety around concussions. in fall 2018, i got a virus from the common cold that made me pass out and i was sent to the hospital. i had an abnormally elevated heart rate. since then, i've developed a fear of passing out and for a while, i was obsessed with checking my heart rate. every time i have to give a presentation or speech, i am now scared i'm going to pass out in front of everyone and end up in the hospital again. if there is a sickness going around, i assume i'm going to catch it. sometimes i think that i'm going to get cancer and not even know. i have such irrational fears and i'm so scared of dying. wow, things just got deep. i've been trying to go to my therapist and the good news is that i am the kind of person who wants to fix my issues right away. i don't like feeling like i can't control what i have, and perhaps that is why i have anxiety. i'd appreciate any sort of comment because i hope i'm not the only one who feels this way. that is why i joined this forum.
  2. Why oh why did I google 'Fainting during a panic attack!' Why do I insist on adding fear to the fear??? It is not helpful! have never actually fainted during a panic attack though Im convinced im going to.Or im going to go into hysterics and freak out. Husband had to have time off work to accompany me to the doctors today,its a 10min walk and I was just too terrified to go by myself,I tried to calm my self on the walk repeating to myself 'its only panic it cant hurt you' and relaxing my limbs.well i got there in one piece! but then I start thinking 'what if you had nobody to come with you,you would never have done it' I feel pathetic! Im letting people down by not being able to do favours for them,like going with my daughter in law for her weekly iron drip(shes 32 wks pregnant and only 18,she really needs my support!) Ive let down the local OAP lunch club because i cant get there to do their garden for them. im crying now cos I feel so useless. My doc has given me cilatopram,I hope that it kicks in soon.