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  1. i figured it's time to join a forum because i'm so tired of keeping everything bottled inside. i got a concussion in may and ever since then i get anxious every time i hit my head. yesterday, i hit my head against the edge of my laptop and the first thing i said was "ow...oh now i'm worried" because i was immediately worried about getting a concussion. this morning i woke up with slight head pressure and i'm really tired (but i'm also a busy college student). i have no other symptoms besides that and this anxiety, but somehow i am convinced that i have a concussion. i don't only have anxiety around concussions. in fall 2018, i got a virus from the common cold that made me pass out and i was sent to the hospital. i had an abnormally elevated heart rate. since then, i've developed a fear of passing out and for a while, i was obsessed with checking my heart rate. every time i have to give a presentation or speech, i am now scared i'm going to pass out in front of everyone and end up in the hospital again. if there is a sickness going around, i assume i'm going to catch it. sometimes i think that i'm going to get cancer and not even know. i have such irrational fears and i'm so scared of dying. wow, things just got deep. i've been trying to go to my therapist and the good news is that i am the kind of person who wants to fix my issues right away. i don't like feeling like i can't control what i have, and perhaps that is why i have anxiety. i'd appreciate any sort of comment because i hope i'm not the only one who feels this way. that is why i joined this forum.