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About Tashc925

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  1. I can't stay home during the day without having servere anxiety. I'm a SAHM of a four year old. I know it's not fair to him that I'm constantly finding ways to justiy not spending the day at home but I just can't seem to do it. Currently I bring my husband to work in the morning around 6:30am. If I went right home I'd be back around 8:00am. Instead of going home I'll go to my mothers, shopping, driving. I'll Google things to do just far enough away that I won't have time to go home until my husband gets out of work. I have no problem being home at night/once it gets dark. Being alone doesn't seem to be the problem. I don't want to regardless of whether he's home during the day or I'm alone. I'm also fine being home alone at night. I've put blackout curtains on all of my windows so when I do have to be there during the day it's more tolerable. Even the thought of being there all day makes me anxious and my heart start to race. I'm currently pregnant and I know I'll have to start staying home more. I'm having a hard time thinking about that as well. Any suggestions on why I'm feeling this way and how to manage it?