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Everything posted by AnxiousBird81

  1. Hey guys! So here we go again! I have been panicking all morning due to the fact that after I got up and took my meds, i have been having discomfort in my chest and throat when I swallow food. I am now stressed something serious is wrong as I have never had this before and it’s freaking me out! I also saw that this can be a sign of a female heart attack pending! So I’m proper freaking now! Has anyone experienced this before and if so what has been your experience or advice. Things are going SO well for me otherwise and now I think something serious is going to happen to me! ??
  2. Thank you both for your responses. I just hate this feeling and feel like I am going to wake up one morning and everything will all just go to s***. The pain and heaviness is just a nuisance and just stresses me out. I think I will go and have a chat to my GP and see what they say. Just so scared of something being wrong. Thank you both. ❤️
  3. Hi guys. I come to you today as an outlet as I have a real fear I may have Ovarian cancer! Im 36yr old relatively healthy female, health anxiety for about 5yrs but generalised anxiety and PTSD for over 10yrs my concerns are that since having my 3rd child via c section, I have had very heavy periods. The last few months, on n off, I get quite bad sharp cramps/pains in my ovaries and liver abdomen, feel really bloated with them and generally unwell. Yes, I have taken you Dr Google and yes I have been sat here in tears thinking I am planning my funeral, but I just don’t understand it all! I don’t smoke, drink only socially, eat relatively well and don’t have any other health problems that I am aware of anyway. How do I make myself feel more relaxed and what else could this possibly be. I am so worried I am going to leave behind my husband and 3 beautiful children my eldest who has just started high school and I won’t get to see them grow up! Please help me guys! TIA
  4. Hi All, So, I am kind of freaking out right now. For the last about 3 weeks I have been suffering with some facial pain, ear ache and sinus pain along with some irresular headaches. As a result, my GP had referred me to have a CT scan done and now I have been called to request me to go back and discuss the results. Well, as someone with severe anxiety I am freaking out! I have automatically put myself in the basket of terminal problem and now that its a brain tumour or something despite people around me today telling me, I will be fine. Now my head is pounding and I can not concentrate! Do not know what to do, have asked to see if they can see me today as I can guarantee I wont get any sleep tonight!! Any words of advice, similar experiences etc or something would be much appreciarted. Thanks AnxiousBird