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About MessyNatalie

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  1. I just try to take it one day at a time. I suffer from really bad social anxiety and know how you're feeling. Half of the classes I attend are actually online courses. It may be something you want to explore. Stay strong!
  2. Has anyone ever seen this show? It's honestly one of the funniest skit comedies I've ever seen! Whenever my anxiety becomes unbearable this show is the perfect release. Here's a skit where they build a birdhouse. ha!
  3. Hello! Recently left a toxic relationship which fueled my anxiety and depression for a long time. Just looking for some friends to expand my support group and a place where I can vent when things become too much. I'm into all kinds of nerdy things like anime, dancing awkwardly, and trash talking during mario kart 8! Nice to meet you all!