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Everything posted by Lauraatkinson

  1. Hello!!! I'm very new to this site too, it's a fab site, read lots and I think it will help you. I have health anxiety and I find I over think everything, maybe when you go to social events like just popping to the pub your over thinking everything when really all you need to be telling yourself is "I'm in a pub with my mates having a pint" end of. Nothing else to it. If you sat there in silence would it matter? No. If you got involved would your night actually go lots quicker and actually you would have had complete control over your social anxiety? Yes. you need to start to learn which I am trying very hard to do is that I am in control of my health anxiety it's not in charge of me
  2. Phew! Online it said no where about pain when coming through so I freaked! Yes I know I really resisted for hours then failed and went online Yeah my HA is no doubt making it ten times worse! Need to re focus! Will get it checked if this pain carrys on Sorry for the pun but your very wise mark and very kind, thank you. How are you today? Do you suffer from HA?
  3. God who needs them ay! I'm wise enough without these teeth!!! one wisdom tooth is causing me huge pain all of a sudden and I'm freaking! Stupidly went onto google and it said I need it taking out!!! I am so terrified of the dentist!!! are they meant to be painful when they just come through or not? if I do have it removed does it hurt? my HA is on overdrive right now I am freaking out theres always something!!! Ahhhh!
  4. I haven't been able to get on this site for days!! gutted!!! thsnk you all so much for your kind words! Spoke to the doctor the other day and she has put me on some medication now for my anxiety which I really really hope works!! Fingers crossed!!! thanks all I can't get over how lovely people are on this site!!
  5. Thanks so much for replying Mark. If it was bone c****r I would surely be able to feel the pain workout touching it? why is HA so vicious! I wish I could be rid of it and be normal so badly. I am terrified to get bone c****r and I don't know why I don't know where the link is from thank you for the reply though it has helped greatly.
  6. Wendi that is so kind of you, so lovely to talk to nice normal people going through the same thing as you. I'm from Shropshire in England :)
  7. Thank you so much for your reply Wendi. I keep trying to tell myself that over and over that I would have more symptoms. It's only painful through touch. I need to stop touching and maybe start cleaning that will take my mind off it. Thanks for your reply x
  8. So for a very long time I have had trouble with the side of my left leg, had lots of Physio on it to which the Physio said because it's my "short" leg my pelvis (if that's right) is tilted so the pain will be there (not sure how true that fact is). Anyway I am a toucher! If I touch the bone it hurts...if I don't it doesn't and I don't notice much but abit of occasional leg ache as I stand and bend all the time in my job so that's to be expected. I've been to the doctors a couple of times the past two weeks and can't bare to go again. convinced it's bone c****r and I just don't know what to do with myself.
  9. I'm so shocked people replied to me! Thanks so kind, thank you all for your kind words! Hopefully this site will help x
  10. I am so pleased to have come across this site! You type so much into Google (wrong I know) and it comes up with 2004 or 2011 nothing recent! Anyway...I have no clue how this works! My guess is everyone writes things and we all comment? Okay so I'm 23 engaged to the love of my love and we have a Yorkshire terrier called Bella. I also suffer with hurrendous "health anxiety" but only when my body wants to...I can go months being fine but then bam it's back!! Started a good few years ago when my fiancées mum got rushed into hospital with a back injury, she was poorly for a long time and had to learn to walk again, that's the only thing I can pin point where this new journey of mine began! It started with panic attacks along with anxiety which then left me in a depressed state for months. I got over the depression but not the anxiety. I now can never ever see myself getting over the anxiety. I suffer with health anxiety...I had a headache last week and was convinced it was a brain tumour after a regular eye test and a trip to my doctor I now know I haven't. At the moment my pain is in a bone in my leg, only if I touch it...other than that it aches abit but I can't stop touching it, now I have just read that if you can touch the pain it is often muscular, but no. I have bone c****r, I must do, I have pain into bone and that's what Google says. I drive myself insane. I am desperate to be a normal 23yr old who is planning their wedding and enjoying their new home but no on my mind 24/7 is dancer and dieing. I can never enjoy myself as I believe something bad will happen to my health if I do. what a mess my little brain is ay! I am sure no one will want to read this rubbish I have rambled on about but I actually feel a tiny bit better writing it all out, maybe that's what I get out of this. i would love to know I'm not the only crazy one.