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About Kira

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  1. Anyone have any experience with visual snow??
  2. Kira

    Nursing mother

    Does anyone have any suggestions for what anxiety meds worker for then while breastfeeding??
  3. xperiencing visual trails. The first time I noticed it , I was walking through the hallways and when I passed the bathroom doorway, a trail of faded images followed. Then I noticed when I waved my hand in front of my face, a trail of images followed it as well. I have a really bad problem with ticks from anxiety. I constantly tense my neck and blink or twitch my eyebrows. I am currently taking sertraline (50 mg)… I am wondering has anyone had anyexperience with this? Does anyone know if these can be related? I’ve ready some about tension head headache and migraines and have wondered if this could be the cause. I’ve included and image below as an example.
  4. Kira


    Do you happen to know if there is any possible relation to visual trailing?
  5. So for about the last couple of weeks now I have been experiencing visual trails. The first time I noticed it , I was walking through the hallways and when I passed the bathroom doorway, a trail of faded images followed. Then I noticed when I waved my hand in front of my face, a trail of images followed it as well. I have a really bad problem with ticks from anxiety. I constantly tense my neck and blink or twitch my eyebrows. I am currently taking sertraline (50 mg)… I am wondering has anyone had any experience with this? Does anyone know if these can be related? I’ve ready some about tension head headache and migraines and have wondered if this could be the cause. I’ve included and image below as an example.
  6. Kira


    Hi Han100! I’ve been having this! I have a lot of tension from ticks. One of my biggest ticks is tensing or tightening my neck. I’ve been wondering if it could be the cause for this. Have you had any luck?