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Stomach Flu?

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Yesterday morning I woke up totally fine but a few mins after I got up I had some growling in my stomach and some gas pain. Nothing too bad and for the most part I ignored it. It continued on throughout the day. Gas pains, excessive burping and mild stomach cramps. I ended up having 4 bowl movements yesterday which is very rare for me. I usually have one a day, sometimes not even once a day. The 4 that I had yesterday go worse as the day went on. The first one was normal, the second one was mostly normal but a little on the looser side, the third one was a mix between diarrhea and solid and the last was pure diarrhea. I have been able to drink and eat and hold everything down with no vomiting. I do feel bloated and uncomfortable though. I kept waking up last night with stomach pains. I think I am freaking myself out more then anything, but part of me thinks it's real. I did have a pretty large helping of stir-fry with broccoli in it before this all started  and I read that broccoli is very well known for causing gas and stomach issues and can even cause IBS flare ups. I just wonder if this is IBS or just panic or an actual issue. I'm kinda nervous to go to work because I'm so afraid of missing the bathroom or vomiting at work. 

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7 hours ago, BrokenArrow said:

Yesterday morning I woke up totally fine but a few mins after I got up I had some growling in my stomach and some gas pain. Nothing too bad and for the most part I ignored it. It continued on throughout the day. Gas pains, excessive burping and mild stomach cramps. I ended up having 4 bowl movements yesterday which is very rare for me. I usually have one a day, sometimes not even once a day. The 4 that I had yesterday go worse as the day went on. The first one was normal, the second one was mostly normal but a little on the looser side, the third one was a mix between diarrhea and solid and the last was pure diarrhea. I have been able to drink and eat and hold everything down with no vomiting. I do feel bloated and uncomfortable though. I kept waking up last night with stomach pains. I think I am freaking myself out more then anything, but part of me thinks it's real. I did have a pretty large helping of stir-fry with broccoli in it before this all started  and I read that broccoli is very well known for causing gas and stomach issues and can even cause IBS flare ups. I just wonder if this is IBS or just panic or an actual issue. I'm kinda nervous to go to work because I'm so afraid of missing the bathroom or vomiting at work. 

I wouldn't jump to IBS with just that.  Sounds like a viral syndrome to me that will take its course.  Rest and plenty of fluids.  No doubt anxiety or certain foods, such as broccoli, can make it worse, but I don't think the stir-fry alone caused this.  

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